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Search results

  1. Mewtwo

    Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

    Yes, she is WAY different. She is soooo hyper, she gets on everyone's nerves. And Kali would know who Calli is; she's Tabitha's sister from a dead RP.
  2. Mewtwo

    Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

    Name: Cali Gender: Female Age: 11 Species: A humanoid cat. Series: Sonic the Hedgehog Appearance: She is a calico cat, with pink, purple and darker purple spots instead of brown, darker brown, and orange like calico cats usually do. Bio: Personality: PO Other: She has Psychic Powers (you know...
  3. Mewtwo

    Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

    Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC! Name: Blaze the Cat Series: Sonic the Hedgehog Hero or Villain?: Hero Personality: Just typical Blaze Other: I do know she is going to be in the new Sonic game, and she's also in Sonic Rush.
  4. Mewtwo

    Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

    Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups! Fan-made Pokemon FTW. Name:Taiko Gender: Male Age: 11 Species: Tycub Series: Pokemon Hero or Villain?: Heroez. Appearance:Allright, take a tiger cub. Make it cuter, more flexible, and reddish-orangfe. The face makes it look more like a kitten than a tiger...
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