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Search results

  1. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    "Eee Eevee Eee!"(I dont know!)cried the scared-out-of-her-wits Eevee.
  2. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    Eee Eevee Eee!(the cage is shaking)yelled Mysti
  3. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    ((funny how we both want to be in contests)) Mysti awoke with a start.The cage was rattling.She was surprised Piplup was sleeping through this."Eee Eevee Eee!"(wake up,something's happening!)she said while shaking Iceberg.
  4. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    ((never watched Kirby)) They surfed around on the star,then Mysti said"Eee Eevee Eee!"(hang on we're landing!)then pulled the stars apart,flipped and landed as the stars flew around her and Iceberg,then burst into sparkles.I really hope my trainer is interested in contests,i'd sure like to be in...
  5. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    Eee Eevee Eee!(I'm Mysti,glad to meet you!)said Mysti before using swift around the cage then pulling them together to make one star and jumped on it."Eee Eevee Eee!"(hop on,Iceberg!)said Mysti.
  6. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    Mysti got tired and stopped running.She pawed at her food,then ate some and gave the rest to Piplup.
  7. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    Eevee jumped around and was having a lot of fun now that she had a playmate inside her cage.
  8. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    Mysti looked at Piplup and smiled.Then the pawed her.Eee Eevee Eee!(tag,your it!)she said and started running around the cage.
  9. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    Eevee used Swift(if Eevee can learn that)and,because she had a big cage,pulled the stars together to make one star and surfed around on it.Eevee Eee!(this is fun!)she said.
  10. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    Mysti looked at the pretty sparkles from the popped bubbles,and danced around happily,showered in sparkles.
  11. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    "Eee."(oh)said Mysti,then began having fun with the rest of the bubbles.
  12. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    Mysti had never seen a bubble before,and watched them float around.When one popped on her nose,she ran around,screaming,"Eee Eevee Eee Eevee Eee Eee!"(The round shiny things are attacking,the round shiny things are attacking!)
  13. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    "Eee Eevee Eee!(Aww,Piplup was caught!)said Mysti."Eevee Eee Eevee....."....(no more buddy for me.....)she cried.
  14. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    Eee Eevee Eee!(Piplup,you can do it!)cried Mysti.
  15. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    (oh,yeah,i forgot it was named,i just kept saying eevee in the posts,eventually I started calling it that) Eevee looked up at the requested sign.Still no Eevee,but there was an Eeveelution!
  16. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    When Eevee woke up,she was expecting her cage life to be a dream.instead,she was back in her cage!Eee,Eevee Eee(I hope someone wants an Eevee soon!)said eevee.
  17. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    (at least i got a taste of freedom!)thought Eevee to herself as she settled down for a nap.
  18. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    Eee Eevee Eee!(i want a trainer!)sobbed Eevee.
  19. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    Eevee was running.She had to get out of the building.She kept running but stopped short at a pair of feet.Human feet.
  20. Mewtwo

    Open Pokeshop

    "Eee!Eevee Eee!"(i know you can break out,Piplup!)cried Eevee.
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