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Search results

  1. Minish

    Personality Types!

    I remember this test! :D I always get 'considerate inventor' which sounds pretty cool! I think being really high on the imaginative scale, but really high on the functional scale as well, which made the graph thing look rather odd.
  2. Minish

    Personality Types!

    I don't think the multiple intelligences part is supposed to be taken so concretely. Verbal/linguistic and musical might be more to do with how your mind works than your actual skills?
  3. Minish

    Personality Types!

    If you say so. I'm INFJ/INFP and absolutely none of the other types could possibly apply to me most; with astrology most people could fit comfortably into most of the sun signs. I don't see how it's not "better" than astrology. If you answer the questions completely honestly (which is...
  4. Minish

    Personality Types!

    INFJ, represent! ^o^ I usually get something on the INFJ/INFP border, though. INFJ is a lot more accurate for me.
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