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Search results

  1. Missile

    Black & White

    Pokebeach has some new art up! Not a lot, but hey. It's still there. Kumashun looks cuter as a sprite, but whatever. I still love that polar bear. <3 They also show the offcial art for the last evolutions of the starter Pokemon. I am loving Jaroda more every second. Daikenki's artwork is...
  2. Missile

    Black & White

  3. Missile

    Black & White

    Oh, why thank you for telling me that! I will Google them. <3
  4. Missile

    Black & White

    ... ... ... Oh. My. God. Not the music too. Not the beautiful music. I only have one thing to say about this. I HATE YOU LAWYER PERSON WHO'S TELLING EVERYBODY TO TAKE THIS STUFF DOWN.
  5. Missile

    Black & White

    Oh, duh. Stupid me. :/ I completely forgot about Veekun. Thanks!
  6. Missile

    Black & White

    I can't stop loling at Pokebeach's current layout. It's so full of lol. I can't belive that all the pictures are taken down now. I'll have no idea how to draw them unless I search them up or something. :/ Anyways, I'm loving Black and White. <3
  7. Missile

    Black & White

    Oh, God. Black and White's sprites. I love them. <3 Charmander's is just beautiful~ And so is Growlithe's and Arcanine's, yes~ Thank you Veekun!
  8. Missile

    Black & White

    Ugh. Serebii took everything down. I guess I'll just rely on Pokejungle for the pictures. Unless PJN gets that same letter, too. :/ That would suck. And if it is some prankster, oh God, I'll kill him. Bye bye Jaroba pictures...;~; And speaking of pictures, does anyone else think that Kyuremu is...
  9. Missile

    Black & White

    Oh, I see. Thank-you! The lawyer likes his site lol.
  10. Missile

    Black & White

    Where'd you see that? :/ I wanna take a look.
  11. Missile

    Black & White

    Good; I was planning on getting Pokémon Black anyways.
  12. Missile

    Black & White

    They seem very legit. The Youtuber even claimed that he ripped them from the game. I'll belive him for now. But if you really want to know, wait for the 'Let's Play's start coming out, and listen to the soundtracks. I personally think they're real, but other people may think differently. The...
  13. Missile

    Black & White

    Yes yes yes. <3 Also, am I the only one that thinks that Kuitaran (anteater) and Aianto (ant) will end up having a rivalry like Zangoose and Seviper? I mean, anteaters eat ant (O RLY. I DIDN'T KNOW.) and...ants are eaten (you learn something new everyday).
  14. Missile

    Black & White

    You are a genius Spaekle. GENOSEKUTO ALL THE WAY, MAN! <3
  15. Missile

    Black & White

    YES YES YES YES YES. OH, YES. OH MY GOD YES. YES DO WANT YES. YES THIS IS THE BEST GEN. EVER YES BEST POKéMON EVER YES THE FIFTH GEN IS YES. And if you're wondering, yes: I do love the 5 Gen. with all my heart. The evolution of pie-faced puppy is amazing - he's a yorkshire terrier, and my...
  16. Missile

    Black & White

    Possible Legendaries are possible. From the extremely tiny bit of them that I've seen, they look alright. But again, it's only the sprites. I can't see them fully, not even in the full view. OH MY GOD THE BLUE ONE HAS A BEARD. <3 (And Pokebeach has the picture and a few of the Dex numbers of...
  17. Missile

    Black & White

    You are not alone. Tsutaaja's last evolution is Grass/Dragon, and it looks epic. So I must say... DO WANT. <3333 YES YES YES. And agreed with Pokabu's last evolution. What happened to cutie-piggy? ;~;
  18. Missile

    Black & White

    *raises hand*
  19. Missile

    Black & White

    :3 Bah, stupid Pokebeach. I guess they took the page down or something. It was a link to the post that WPM made. >_< Either that, or I have no idea how to copy anymore. EDIT: Fixed the link. I derserve a hug. *hugs self* Derp. That's correct.
  20. Missile

    Black & White

    Don't worry, Pokabu's evolution aren't confirmed to ha- ... DANG IT. NEVER MIND. I don't think that it's Version Exclusive. *checks Pokebeach* Nope, it's not. :3 And I'd go with Tsutaaja if I were you. I don't know, I like their last evolutions equally. [x]
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