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Search results

  1. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    “Yes, well, I hadn’t had my hopes up about it…” Corey muttered regarding the lack of a meal. That Empoleon did not exactly reek of generosity. “Guess we’ll meet you there then, though Archie and I might need to make a quick detour on the way,” he looked back at the Oshawott at this. “Unless...
  2. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Aside from a simple "Thank you, Sir," Corey said nothing more. Bellatrix seemed to cover everything that needed to be said at the moment anyway. He just hoped the others would agree, because despite plenty of reason to take up umbrage, he personally felt this was not the time nor place to...
  3. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Troubling... oh, this was troubling indeed... Why did this mayor have to be so brutish about this? Couldn't he have at least tried to make it easier to side with him and his particular take on law? Corey didn't like how vengeful he was getting, but every time he even considered the notion of...
  4. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    'I knew it... I knew those guys had to be involved...' Corey thought to himself upon the presentation of the posters. He'd been trying to find proof but had constantly been shot down by the civilians... but now he had all the proof he needed. Whatever these clearly violent gangsters had in mind...
  5. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    So this did have something to do with the gala then... How beautifully convenient! Lorenzo would be happy to hear they'd found a way in, even if it was under the guise of security... just so long as they were able to go about displaying his wares. Corey eyed Archie knowingly at this, though he...
  6. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    That look of impatience brought along with it a strong sense of impatience, and not to mention quite a bit of scrutiny. So, this indeed was the mayor, and naturally he was inquiring about their presence... Empoleons always had a particular look of stern authority by nature, but this one was...
  7. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Well now, look at this artsy-fartsy handwriting... Either someone was putting on airs, or this was quite an upper-crust issue, Corey had thought to himself upon seeing the letter's contents. Mostly only familiar with Bellatrix through Archie, he was surprised that she'd drawn him into this whole...
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