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Search results

  1. Murkrow

    Deeeep dreaaams!!

    Hmmm. Something about a school trip to a massive bridge where lots of train tracks crossed. I remembered 'Don't risk it at a level crossing'. I thought this was because a rain could hit you. It turns out it's because you randomly get struck by lightning. Another dream as well. I was in Latin...
  2. Murkrow

    Deeeep dreaaams!!

    I had a weird dream a few days ago. My dad wanted to show us something at the office so he drove us there. He tried to park in some multi-storey carpark but there weren't any spaces left. He drove down some stairs into a hotel restaurant but he couldn't drive any further because the stairs were...
  3. Murkrow

    Deeeep dreaaams!!

    I wish I could have lucid dreams more often, though. If I could have just one where I don't wake up really soon after becoming lucid, I'd be happy. Apparently it's easy to have lucid dreams when you have sleep paralysis, but I get so freaked from the whole experience that I just can't.
  4. Murkrow

    Deeeep dreaaams!!

    Well I could move my eyes and I looked to my side and I dreamed some creepy old man sitting next to me. It only lasted a couple of seconds, but it's disturbing. I've had it like three times in my life. Believe me it's not pleasant. Especially when you're 7 and you can't call for your parents...
  5. Murkrow

    Deeeep dreaaams!!

    I had sleep paralysis a couple of days ago. :( I can't remember my latest dream right now, but I'm keeping a dream diary so I'll copy from that later.
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