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Search results

  1. Murkrow

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    And that ^_^ pumpkin is the awesomest!
  2. Murkrow

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Those Human Pokémon are so clever! Wigglytuff's eyes fit perfectly. It's strange how you can express so much with mainly the hair. They're all so adorable :3
  3. Murkrow

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Absol, Houndoom and the entire Cindaquil line are some of my favourite Pokémon! I love it how the Pokémon interact with each other so well when you draw more than one. And I'm sure some people do cosplay as zero suit Samus, but this got me wondering how one would put it on in the first place...
  4. Murkrow

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Cute Metagross! I haven't watched the I.T. Crowd in a long time, but that sure did bring back memories of... a few month ago. I love your style too. Me too, it's so good I'm running out of adjectives to decribe it's awesomeness. Not sure about printing it out, but using it as a desktop...
  5. Murkrow

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    I was going to post on your old thread commenting on that awesomely cute Midna you drew, but then the forums broke. So I just want to say that you're drawings amaze me. They're all so adorable. :D
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