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Search results

  1. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    "Hmmm." Alex tilted his head left and right while Xander continued to stare vaguely in the direction where Archie had been talking. "Three days. That should work for us," he said. "I'll meet you there in three days, in noontime. That should be when the day is its hottest." He turned and seemed...
  2. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Both attacks had a different appearance, and a cold feeling settled into their hearts the moment the attacks were unleashed. The bolt of electricity was black--the water was murky with a dark haze. Both of them struck Xander squarely but didn't seem to do much -- as Xander himself was of...
  3. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Alex nodded. "...The very basics, then," he said. "Let's do some training." The Zweilous took a few more paces back as he talked. "Drawing from the power of darkness has a slightly different feel than drawing from your normal power. You need not only to draw from your aura, but also an emotion...
  4. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    "I'd love to," Alex said, though he frowned. "But my superior required that I return to a certain location today. If you want more training, it will have to be in a few days. I can only give you some basics." He sighed. "If you're uncomfortable with it, you're free to refuse. But what I tell you...
  5. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Alex hummed, tilting his head. He didn't seem to be scheming--he seemed to be figuring out how to phrase something or map something out. "I don't know if something will immediately happen," Alex said. "But let me put it this way. This... organization in that strange underground spot you'd...
  6. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Alex shook his head again to Archie. "I think I heard the term here and there, but I know as much as you do," he said again. "Forces of light... I don't know too much about what forces are using it. I don't care for it, but my focus has been on the artificial Shadows. Whatever you're doing with...
  7. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    "Seth Lycas..." Alex repeated the name. Xander seemed pensive as well. At the same time, both shook their heads. "No. That doesn't sound familiar to me. And for that Drapion... A mindless, stray Shadow Pokemon. Aimless and in need of a commander. Shadows... eat at the mind until all that is left...
  8. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    "...I didn't... strike too close, did I?" Alex asked, briefly looking concerned. "...I assumed you were not there. I was demonstrating my power over Shadow." Xander muttered something that sounded like an insult to his lesser half. Alex grunted. "Whatever. My warnings were more practical...
  9. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Alex nodded. "And this is why," he said, "your friend... the summoning of all of you... will need some retooling. So many reckless... headstrong spirits. I guess it's a matter of odds. Surely one of them will succeed, even if the others will eventually die." He sighed. "I was chosen because I...
  10. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    The flames hummed, filling the air once again with their droning noise. The flames were notably cold, not hot. Would water work on cold flames? "Neither of you. How... interesting. The sound of your tone... I'm sure your glares are fierce and fiery. It really does take me back..." He sighed...
  11. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    "Interesting..." Alex said to himself. "Even when you are faced with a completely unwinnable match... you don't back down. You refuse to so much as flinch, even as you're trembling underneath your fur..." He took a single step forward. He was, unless they relocated, two steps away from them...
  12. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Quiet. The adults are talking. And suddenly, Betel's words, whatever they were intended to be, went utterly silent. Betel was probably fine -- after all, they could still communicate with one another, they still felt a connection. And yet... they could not hear their guardian. Something...
  13. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    The Zweilous nodded. "I am Alex. This is Xander. One day, when we evolve, I will go by Alexander," he said. "That's a tradition for my species. As for who I work for..." His head tilted down, equivalent to closing his eyes. "I work for an authority of this world... who wants to maintain its...
  14. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon
    Threadmarks: Ch03: The Power of Darkness [Alex, Koa, Archie]

    Alex followed Koa and Archie to the Silver Ravine. Even when they were about to head into a Dungeon, Alex seemed unbothered or otherwise didn't notice the change until they were getting close to its edge. The more they walked with him, the more he seemed... mostly normal, aside from that angry...
  15. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Purple tilted his head, but his gaze seemed to darken considerably at the mention. He seemed to recognize the term, for one reason or another, or it affected him more than other things he'd heard about until then. He, of course, said nothing.
  16. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    "Purple," as his name apparently was, grinned, showing his big front teeth even more prominently, and hopped off of Nova to rejoin the Rangers. Nova seemed to have earned Purple's approval. It was hard to tell if he knew what Nova meant by sightseeing a shrine.
  17. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Nidoran tilted his head again and hopped until he was on Nova's back in a single bound. He was so light that Nova would hardly be able to feel a thing. Then, he hopped to the helmet, not really pausing or hesitating, and gently patted it. For some reason, Nova had the knowledge that Nidoran had...
  18. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Nidoran's ears twitched a little as he hop, hop, hopped his way to Nova and tilted his head curiously. He craned his head far up to look at the mask he was wearing with vague interest. It was hard to tell what was going through that head of his... but he seemed a little concerned.
  19. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Nidoran beamed at them from the sidelines. It was hard to tell if he'd done anything at all, but perhaps being the Rangers' mascot was very literal, or something. He hopped to them and nodded in congratulations to them, as usual saying not a word.
  20. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Nidoran merely smiled and waved. It seemed that he was wearing one of the Rangers' badges, suggesting that he was actually...
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