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Search results

  1. Nanabshuckle8


    Just had an interesting one, let's see if I can remember it now... Oh yes, we begin at a big parking lot, I stand in the middle with some buddies of what seems to be quite a busy day of randomness. So there are people and cars spread out a bit everywhere and three buses. There are these big guys...
  2. Nanabshuckle8


    I... had a sort of interesting dream last night (and I overslept, so I missed my english class, but that's okay, our course is centered around the first Harry Potter book and I haven't got it yet. And I'm a Hufflepuff -_-) So I think I was at some kind of bus station and somehow the different...
  3. Nanabshuckle8


    Yeah, I had a somewhat wierd dream a few days ago involving me being chased by a car (or someone/something in it, can't remember) , zombies trying to carve eachothers brains out with spoons as a preparation for fighting some kind of living skeletons and me again hiding from all of this on top of...
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