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Search results

  1. Nidote

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Seadra's kind of a strange case. It's design is pretty cool but a lot of things seem odd. Like how Horsea and Kingdra both get swift swim but Seadra has poison point for some reason. It's also one of those pokemon that get sadly overlooked.
  2. Nidote

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Heh. I switched my forum theme to the Joltik one for today. Now Joltik itself is brilliant but it can only truely shine with compoundeyes. Near perfect accuracy thunder? Want! Actually, it's helpful that Joltik's less useful ability is made apparent right away in battle, makes it easier to get...
  3. Nidote

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I like Flygon's design. It's like a bug mixed with dragon, the not-goggles are a neat touch. I'd rather use it over Salamence anyway. I got a Salamence on my old platinum game that, despite being EV trained and nature in the right place, was still probably the weakest pokemon I'd raised in such...
  4. Nidote

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Re: (Ditto) Daily Pokemon Discussions Meep. My bad. XP Blame the header. For the sake of not falling behind, I might as well give opinions on the current and previous pokemon. Spiritomb and Charizard. For Spiritomb, I've never used it. Mostly because of the method of obtaining it. However, I...
  5. Nidote

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Re: (Ditto) Daily Pokemon Discussions Ditto certainly is pretty neat. Though it's pretty much a novelty pokemon outside of breeding, it IS cool to try and make a pokemon fight "themselves".
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