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Search results

  1. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Kammy hopped along quietly. Man these people were such downers! It's an adventure, right? Somehow, it wasn't seeming so fun right now...
  2. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Kammy was both befuddled and intimidated at Darius and Shawn's actions. She'd just never seen such a sight before and genuinely had no idea. As far as she knew, it was just an impressive explosion of red stuff. She stopped still, not sure she'd actually want to...
  3. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Kammy stared for a little while at the Volcano, utterly silent until... "Holy Arceus that was awesome!" she suddenly squealed with a little bounce. "It was just all like 'PWOOOOOM!' and stuff!"
  4. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn After the quake ended Kammy righted herself, having been flipped on her back by the movements. She quickly located the Growlithe she fetched. "Seriously, nobody wants this?" she asked to... nobody in particular.
  5. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Kammy attempted to anchor herself to the ground with her claws... it didn't do a lot of good, however.
  6. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Blue was just that minute about to eat the Growlithe for herself, however she couldn't help but notice the looks Shawn was giving it. She quickly popped her jaw back into place and brought the canine carcass over. "Here you go!" She chirped "You can have it if...
  7. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Kammy gave a huff at Darius' remark. "Fine." she actually felt a bit offended, not really understanding his problem. "That's completely fine..." She'd have it for herself but... she felt kinda full. Kind of a waste of perfectly good food, how inconsiderate!
  8. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Kammy stopped and perked at Darius' complaints. "Oh, you want food? Consider it done, friend!" Without even asking or saying another thing the blue rabbit dived into the tall grass. A few moments later her voice could be heard "Hey, did you hear any weird...
  9. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Kammy didn't even notice the half-crazy bird swooping towards her, only giving the other newcomers a warm smile "Oh, I'm Kammy, nice to meet you all!". She gave another little bounce "This is gonna be so fun! So many places to see, so many things to do, so many...
  10. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Kammy tried to say something to the newcomers but most of it just came out as a muffled yell, given she had a mouthful of Kecleon. Most Nidoran might have been deterred by the fact that the chosen food was actually bigger than them. However Kammy never had such a...
  11. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Kammy's lack of focus snapped right to the aged Absol, completely ignoring the grass/dragon creature. She answered his question with an excited hop. "Oh yes, yes, I heard it too!" She squealed. "So we're gonna go on an adventure? Just gimme a moment!" She...
  12. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Those sensitive ears of kammy's picked up on the sound of jaws snapping and she quickly turned to face the source of the sound, which would have remained hidden if it wasn't for the snapping. Still, upon seeing it, Kammy wasn't really that bothered. "Oh hello...
  13. Nidote

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Elsewhere on route 119 a medium-sized rabbit-like Pokemon was stalking her target, a lone Kecleon. Usually they would be much too hard to find, but the heavy downpour was to the Nidoran's benefit, she could clearly see the rain against the camouflaged lizard as...
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