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Search results

  1. Nope

    Calling all spriters!

    I'm going to redo some of the pokémon I mentioned in the PM I last sent to you. But that'll be tomorrow.
  2. Nope

    Calling all spriters!

    Done. Redo other sprites, them maybe make some new ones.
  3. Nope

    Calling all spriters!

    Hay look, I have a Tyrannosaurus toy just like that! But it's oold... xD I'm soon finished resizing Hammed, I'm also reshading and maybe recolouring it.
  4. Nope

    Calling all spriters!

    I'll redo Hammed completely. After all, it's my sprite and design ;) EDIT: No, not completely.
  5. Nope

    Calling all spriters!

    Ain't there enough Kiwis already? And I also think it looks too much like Doduo too.
  6. Nope

    Calling all spriters!

    All these sprites should be FR/LG styled, I think, or it'll look weird with both DPPt and FR/LG styled sprites, get it? I can also redo some sprites, if it's okay for the creator. Also, I need ideas for sprites, as I'm muuuch better at spriting than designing :[ My designs are bleh, and the...
  7. Nope

    Calling all spriters!

    Hey, Kai, you gave me a brilliant idea! A kiwi pre-evo of Doduo! [Opens paint]
  8. Nope

    Calling all spriters!

    Ooo... I'm totally gonna help :D After I finish a scratch I'll start on your pokies :3
  9. Nope

    Calling all spriters!

    I could help. But, will I gain from it? I have examples, but I'm just too lazy to post them now, and I've forgotten my photobucket account, just wait a day or two. Or just some hours, then I'll try to get some examples. Oh, yeah. PM me with other details and stuff if I'm accepted.
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