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Search results

  1. Nope

    Idea Center

    Naruto/Pokémon crossover RP, anyone? I was thinking something like bijuu in the shapes of pokémon (Kyuubi no Yokou as Ninetales, Shukaku/Ichibi as Zigzagoon/Lucario, Isonade/Sanbi as Blastoise/Sharpedo, Nekomata/Nibi as Espeon, Sokou/Yonbi as Arbok-Blaziken mix, Hokou/Gobi as Mightyena...
  2. Nope

    Idea Center

    I like both of them. But when the deceased legendary's soul posses a Pokémon, will that Pokémon change in appearance as well, and is it possible to be humans who are possessed? If so, I call Giratina x3 I love Giratina. Also, maybe the different typed Pokémon are being hunted by trainers? I'd...
  3. Nope

    Idea Center

    I'd join as well. It sounds interesting.
  4. Nope

    Idea Center

    Actually, no, I won't join. Or rather, can't. Busy busy me~
  5. Nope

    Idea Center

    CANCER Aquarius for me pl0x~
  6. Nope

    Idea Center

    No wait. Kopa. He's the son of Simba x3 I'm pretty sure this time.
  7. Nope

    Idea Center

    Nah. I'll call Tojo.
  8. Nope

    Idea Center

    What about Pride Lands? That's what it is in Kingdom Hearts. Also, I'll take someone else.
  9. Nope

    Idea Center

    I reserve Nala. If she is taken, I'll take Kiara. If she is taken I'll take Kovu :3.
  10. Nope

    Idea Center

    Tht would be interesting, Flora, I'd join it. That is, if I have time :/
  11. Nope

    Idea Center

    Go read it...? First thread. Second thread (The remade one).
  12. Nope

    Idea Center

  13. Nope

    Idea Center

    Decided to repost Seekers of the Dew Drop. Not now, though, maybe tomorrow or on Monday. But then I'll change it to Seekers of the Soul Dew, and it'll have a slight plot change.
  14. Nope

    Idea Center

    Really? I did consider it, but I don't know. I personally didn't like it that much. But maybe... I'll sleep on it.
  15. Nope

    Idea Center

    (writing this on my dsi, so im not gonna bother with capitals n stuff.) yes, im most likely gonna bring back seekers of the dew drop and mt. vesever. as soon as my brother gets offthe computer -_- thanks for your support, everyone, i really appreciate it :)
  16. Nope

    Idea Center

    I think I might remake and repost some of my previous RPGs. Like Mt. Vesever, Seekers of the Dew Drop Pokémon: Kanto Adventures (Will still be Invite Only, though, but with more people, possibly) And maybe... Nah, maybe not, unless someone wants Survive the Darkness or Die to be reposted...
  17. Nope

    Idea Center

    To be honest, I'm not planning to start Mt. Vesever again, but you can start it anytime you want, with all I wrote and stuff. Sorry.
  18. Nope

    Idea Center

    Just wondering if someone wants me to start "Seekers of the Dew Drop" again?
  19. Nope

    Idea Center

    Well, I guess I can. I'm Bakun. Not Bakuphoon << Yeah, ok, I might remake it, though, and then I might change the plot a little and stuff, but I'll try ^^ I got a basic idea for the Death Note-Pokémon crossover RP, but I'm in a little trouble with the FMA-Poké cross. For example: ([x] means...
  20. Nope

    Idea Center

    yeah i do. -too lazy for capital letters right now-
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