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Search results

  1. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    You're pretty much free to develop your own scale, within reason; a lot of referees treat different mechanics in different ways. This is a pretty good base to start with, but it's locked and de-Stickied now so maybe it's obsolete or something.
  2. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    Blargh, I'm still thinking in pre-hack mode.
  3. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    Claiming reffing munnies for Metallica Fanboy v Kam. (I'm just claiming battles when they finish so I dont forget what I've claimed and what I haven't.) 8 9 10 11 = $32
  4. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    You get both. The former is the payment per reffing and the latter is basically just a bonus for completing the battle.
  5. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    All the elite referees seem to have been paid $10 per round instead of $13.
  6. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    Collecting the rest of my e-reffing money. 1 2 3 4 5 = 90
  7. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    If a battle ends in a DQ is it still usable for redeeming free captures? And is there a limit on how many rounds need to have been reffed before the DQ before it can be used for such? (I'm not hoping to use any of my ones that DQed before anyone even sent out their first Pokémon of course, but...
  8. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    Reffings 1 and 6 on my paycheck are the same. Also 13x6=78, not 72.
  9. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    Screw it I can't wait any longer I'm cashing these e-reffings. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = $126.
  10. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    I seem to be getting paid for two of Metallica Fanboy's rounds here. Good as they are, I'd feel terrible taking credit for them :P Also, this was left out.
  11. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    When cashing in e-reffings do you work out the extra pay from your rank when you did the reffings or the rank you are when you collected the bonus for them? (For instance, if I'm now elite rank but have a few unredeemed e-reffings from back when I was advanced, do I get $18 for them or $15?)
  12. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    You forgot this one.
  13. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

  14. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    6 7 Also, I seem to have been paid too much per reffing, unless I've somehow leapt to Elite level.
  15. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    E-reffing tiem again
  16. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    Another e reffing. (double post aaa)
  17. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    I'm running out of different ways to say I'm cashing in an e-reffing.
  18. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    nother e-reffing.
  19. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    e-reffing get
  20. Not Meowth

    Referee Headquarters

    Also the reffing you linked to in my paycheck is Crazy Linoone's, not mine. I think you may have meant this one
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