• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Search results

  1. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately you can exchange them to your native currency.
  2. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately you find fifty million pounds in the ruins.
  3. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately everything else then caught fire.
  4. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately I found a million pounds in my shoe.
  5. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately somebody once said to me that I'd win a million pounds when pigs fly 8D
  6. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately nobody caught swine flu as a result.
  7. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately another has begun.
  8. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately he'll eventually stop caring.
  9. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately it grows back VERY quickly.
  10. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately Super Rabbit, unaffected by its inedibility, eats it.
  11. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately the cave flooded.
  12. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately it rains.
  13. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately the fire department are watching you like hawks.
  14. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately this left us disillusioned and disappointed.
  15. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, Dragonclaw fell in.
  16. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately no such food exists.
  17. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately I kept a huuuuuge crate of them somewhere.
  18. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately I like waffles.
  19. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately you didn't go back and check.
  20. Not Meowth

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately I don't see how that's especially fortunate.
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