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Search results

  1. Peegeray

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    how many fish and bugs have you guys got? i've got them all... :I
  2. Peegeray

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    i just came back from holiday and i played acww alot, i got back into a routine the people in my town are vesta, robin, jitters, mallary, curly, gaston, nibbles and stitches i also made a video of my town for the heck of it
  3. Peegeray

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    so animal crossing city folk i'm not impressed so far edit: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=BsIdXofpN7o ok... never mind it's actually looking ok now that it's been explained you can use a mic to talk to people :0
  4. Peegeray

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    i'm really looking forward to acwii :o i was thinking of features for the game... like you could sync the game with the wii weather channel so you get the same weather as where you live. although that would kinda suck if you didn't have wifi... aaaaanyway, gonna post all of my pics: buck...
  5. Peegeray

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    i just play acww nowadays so my flower hybrids don't die my fav villager was anchovy, but he left
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