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  1. Peter Shadeslayer


    Hrm, following this logic, those who masturbate or have sex for pleasure should not be allowed to be wed.
  2. Peter Shadeslayer


    I'm sure there would be a lot more gays. And I wasn't being sarcastic :}
  3. Peter Shadeslayer


    Now THIS is how you argue your side. :|
  4. Peter Shadeslayer


    My boyfriend and I don't like babies, so it's not a problem.
  5. Peter Shadeslayer


    Zhorken, I apologize for the messiness of my post. I recognized that I was starting to get redundant as I went on... I was too lazy to fix it. :\ All hats aside, the point of gay sex not making babies is also a popular argument... a void argument, in my opinion.
  6. Peter Shadeslayer


    @Zhorken: I'm simply saying that the gay-marriage-is-wrong-because-it-is-not-Bible-conforming argument doesn't make sense to me for this reason. I feel that homosexuality is as natural as people that choose not to have babies. I DON'T feel that it's a choice at all... why would anyone choose a...
  7. Peter Shadeslayer


    @Zhorken: I'm simply saying that the gay-marriage-is-wrong-because-it-is-not-Bible-conforming argument doesn't make sense to me for this reason. I feel that homosexuality is as natural as people that choose not to have babies. I DON'T feel that it's a choice at all... why would anyone choose a...
  8. Peter Shadeslayer


    I'm against gay marriage, even though I'm gay. More specifically, I'm against the religious form of marriage. The argument exists that marriage is a religious institution, but nonreligious people are allowed to get married everyday. Why should gays not be allotted the rights of married folks? I...
  9. Peter Shadeslayer


    Homosexuality = Yes Just ask my boyfriend. Gay Marriage = No
  10. Peter Shadeslayer


    XD Gays ftw. C'mon, people. Whether it's linked to genes or not, it shouldn't matter.
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