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  1. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Daw, my luck then.
  2. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    There's more allowance? What? I got one click? Confused?
  3. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Hey Kratos, about that stats page.... (jk)
  4. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Cool. Also that stat page is amazing... Now excuse me I've got to go suck up to Kratos for some money....
  5. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Yep, like maybe when the ref posts or something. It might be cool. Especially since I keep missing when it's my turn because I didn't bother like a lazy bum to look through all the battles.
  6. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    True, but you know how headers are, they eat away at you until you post, no matter how hard you try to ignore them.
  7. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    They are the recipe for Negrek's secret salsa. No one can have them... Also the battles list in our profiles, are they ever going to be used? Would it ever be possible to get alerts for matches like we do with mafia?
  8. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Odd happenings. I can't accept my allowance. I mean I know it's only $3... but still. The button doesn't show.
  9. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Yeah it was an apostrophe.
  10. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    I am running into an issue. I recently bought a new pokemon, and when I try to rename it I get an database error message.
  11. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Sounds like a good deal, thanks Jack/Gummy.
  12. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    So when we gain EXP where do we post it? Do we post it? My entire team, except my Riolu, gets 2 EXP and that means two of them get to evolve.
  13. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    I have 2 battles done, one in progress.
  14. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    I also have no battle record, and I have a battle going on too.
  15. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Yes, actually I am in IE.
  16. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    I did, the only option I seem to have is to rename the two that are active, and randomly check and uncheck the electrike.
  17. Phantom

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Hmm, stupid question, how do we move a pokemon from the pc to active? My electrike is in the pc, when I never put her in there, in fact she's in a battle right now. Also my bank account is $8 off and I've finished two battles, (still in the third) and it says I've never been in a battle. Also...
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