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Search results

  1. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    HAHA! Woot! Good game!
  2. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D5] I don't like that idea.
  3. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D5] I just don't want to get lynched it's the only way I can die. I keep roleblocking Zapi.
  4. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D5] Whoah I am NOT mafia. Besides no one can listen to a dead guy.
  5. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D5] I got 10 Canadian?
  6. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D5] ITS ZAPI I ROLEBLOCKED HIM AND THERE'S WAS NO DEATH. LISTEN TO PHANTOM ZAPI ZAPI ZAPI! I chose DarkAura cause they've been inactive.
  7. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D5] ZAPI. I roleblocked him, no deaths. I'm sorry DarkAura my hunch was wrong, but it's Zapi since I roleblocked him. Zapi.
  8. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D4] DarkAura. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.
  9. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D4] DarkAura
  10. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D4] Uh, he told me to block him. So I did. The mafia is setting me up, you can figure that out that right? When you lynch me, and I die. I will haunt you forever and eternity.
  11. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D4] Hi, I'm here, and I roleblocked Metallica Fanboy. Like he asked. I have no idea. But my hunch. Zapi.
  12. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D4] NO! Then we will be up all night and get modkilled.
  13. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D4] Hold on let me get my water.
  14. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D4] Fine, Mendatt.
  15. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D4] Like I said, just a feeling. Like they were too eager to lynch. I don't know. Just a gut feeling. Instinct.
  16. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D4] Yes water= day Ok, I will send in my action for MF like they said. But serious, it's just a hunch. No logic behind it. I just feel it. Kind of my impression of the posts you know. I can't explain it.
  17. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D4] *gets water too* Serious, I was just about to post when you ended the day.
  18. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D4] Zapi. No reason. Just a hunch.
  19. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] SHIT Well we'll get at least one mafia out of THAT inspector. Damnit.
  20. Phantom

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] RTB then.
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