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Search results

  1. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Well, yes, you were better than most of them. Like a certain someone who apparently forgot she was in the game altogether. >| My vote count screwage, man... I was looking forward to that.
  2. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    I didn't really have any expectations about the length of the game; it was more that I was hoping more people would be inspired to actually talk. As it is Karkat is the only one who hit level 5, but he was clearly able to find plenty of things to talk about in seven days. I am disappoint in the...
  3. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    "Kill you all how dare you all alone I'll kill you myself I'll kill you I'll kill you pay all of you kill you KILL YOU ALL -Vangua" There is only one note the next morning, written in a hand they all recognize but in a tone that is distinctly and distressingly not reminiscent of smiles and...
  4. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 7] (Sorry! Going out to dinner took longer than I'd thought it would and then I was tired.) Final vote count: 6 Cirrus Any doubt left in the group's mind is immediately erased when Cirrus, so quiet and rational up until they'd accused her of being...
  5. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 7] I realize you guys have probably mostly reached a consensus at this point, but I'm about to be busy and don't have time to close day right now. You've got another few hours' extension.
  6. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 7] A naive inspector always gets innocent, framed or not. Sane would get mafia on a framed target. Insane would get innocent on a framed target.
  7. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 7] It means whatever I want it to mean when I'm tired and making a failed attempt at being witty.
  8. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 7] "I'm disappointed in you, Meltokio. Oh, so disappointed. You're breaking my poor little heart over here. But it'll all be over soon, you'll see. You're all going to die, one by one, all alone, just like... you're breaking my heart, but oh, I'm...
  9. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 6] Final vote count (herp derp sorry I forgot to end it earlier): 4 Applejack Applejack, apparently preoccupied and off vacationing somewhere in her mind, does not respond when the party expresses their doubts about her claimed identity. What kind...
  10. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 6] "This is a... well... no. Never mind. You've gone too far. Your luck runs out starting now. -The Vanguard High Command" They couldn't find any bodies the next morning. That's not to say that they didn't try—they were all certainly expecting at...
  11. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 5] Final vote count: 6 Phantom Phantom seems a little shell-shocked when they break the news to her; it's not clear whether it's because she was feeling that way already, or because, understandably, the statement "Hi, we think you're murderous...
  12. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 5] Extension until vaguely-defined time Tuesday evening because a) it would be pretty cool if you guys actually reached some sort of decision and b) still projects.
  13. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [NIGHT 4] "Not feeling so cocky now, are you, Meltokio? The death toll only goes up from here—I'll see to it personally if I must. -The Vanguard High Command" At first Squirrel thinks it's just a pile of trash. It's an easy mistake for her to make...
  14. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] Final vote count: 1 Cirrus 11 Dannichu It's a sad day when you're so baffled by the enemy's behavior that you can find no course of action other than bludgeoning innocent people. They are pretty sure that's what Dannichu is, after all: just a...
  15. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] ohai gaiz. Final projects are kind of beating the shit out of me like whoa right now, and I really do not have the time to properly end the day phase, send out PMs, etc. tonight (you still have about an hour left, if I'm not mistaken, but yeah). As...
  16. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] "Oooh, you guys sure are a slippery bunch, aren't you? It's so cute, the way you dance around and try to protect yourselves from me at night. It's almost like you don't want me to kill you, even though we all know that's ridiculous—I mean...
  17. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 3] Final vote count: 3 abstain For once, the group seems disinclined to put anyone to death. The one suggestion that someone voices is shot down relatively quickly; there's no real evidence to act on, at least not at this juncture. There's... no real...
  18. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 3] As it stands now, there's one vote for abstain and one for Syl. Really, the day should've ended several hours ago, but I was tired and I figured it wouldn't hurt to wait a bit since you were feeling talkative again. I'll give you guys just two more...
  19. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [NIGHT 2] "This is not over. The Vanguard will not fall. Continue running in helpless circles, little chickens; we will cut you down one by one, and you are welcome to keep cutting yourselves down two by two. Make your peace with whatever gods you hold...
  20. Phoenixsong

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [NIGHT 2] All notifications are out. Go crazy. (And yes, since it has been asked: if you didn't get a PM then I didn't consider enough of your posts point-worthy. If you don't have one by now, assume you're to go ahead with whatever level your role...
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