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Search results

  1. Phoenixsong

    The Battle for Asber

    Observer: Not really, no. Perhaps if I'd had a bit more time to really bite down on its abdomen there might have been some honey to taste, but that human over there is already making enough vexatious noise without my having snapped his precious insect in two. I don't know what "Pepto Bismol" is...
  2. Phoenixsong

    The Battle for Asber

    I'm sure it will be very quiet when you are all dead. That's all I expect You to do, really—die! Your reasons for even attempting to rein us in or resist us in the first place are utterly insignificant. I couldn't care less what the others think You've done. All that matters to me is that I do...
  3. Phoenixsong

    The Battle for Asber

    You mean the mildly irritating buzzing those parts create in concert, perhaps? Really, it's much more efficient to be rid of all this region's "strongest" trainers at once. With all of you out of the way in such a short period of time, it will be that much easier to get at the... heart of the...
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