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Search results

  1. Phoenixsong

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    "...hey, wait, where'd you go?" Wow. She'd literally blinked and missed him. Didn't get that every day. A few quick glances around some shelves and corners seemed to confirm he really had slipped away. Leaf sighed, not entirely sure whether she was relieved or worried. At least his disappearing...
  2. Phoenixsong

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    Leaf blinked down at the ribbon, momentarily confused. "What? Oh, thank you! That's so sweet..." Tying the ribbon on somewhere was still a bit beyond her at the moment, but she made sure to tuck it somewhere safe for now. Oddly, the nidoran was still there when she looked up again, just kind of...
  3. Phoenixsong

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    "Okay, if you're sure you've got it," Leaf said, setting the book back on top as carefully as possible. Well, it wasn't like pokémon weren't made of tough stuff, right? The ones that weren't a bunch of confused cloud-summoned pseudo-babies, anyway. She watched as the nidoran got himself...
  4. Phoenixsong

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    Huh. It really did seem like he was mostly just interested in the pictures. That, or he was gonna be turning in one hell of a paper at school if he needed to reference both Maschiff R. Rockhill's Northwestern Sojavena Boundary Survey and The Power of Movement in Dungeon Perennials at the same...
  5. Phoenixsong

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    "Expertly" was one way to put it, perhaps. "An increasingly haphazard pile of books teetering next to her, the likelihood that she was not going to remember the right places to return them to likewise increasing" was another. At least the history-type books were plentiful enough, although books...
  6. Phoenixsong

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    "It's okay, I'll keep an eye on him," Leaf said, her eyes entirely on the two book covers. Huh. A history book, and he wanted more, but also berries? Did he want more history books, or more berry books, or... a history of berries...? Didn't seem like any direct clarification from this...
  7. Phoenixsong

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    Not much for talking, huh? Couldn't, or just didn't want to? He still wasn't giving off any particular "wild" vibes, though. More like a shy kid or something. "What've you got there?" she asked, moving a little closer to take a better look at the history book. "Is this the one you wanted, or...
  8. Phoenixsong

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    Feral. Leaf still didn't have the greatest handle on that term. Sometimes it meant "pokémon who didn't live in town", but other times it meant "pokémon that 'aren't thinking people'", which was an entire new tier on the This Place Is Kinda Weird Cake. Whatever the latter meant, though, this guy...
  9. Phoenixsong

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    Okay, there was no way this one was just her. Pages 76 and 77 were definitely stuck together. She tried focusing on pulling them apart and just about caught herself before tearing them clean in half. Maaaaaybe best to ask for an assist with this one. "Excuse me," Leaf asked, approaching a...
  10. Phoenixsong

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives
    Threadmarks: Ch01 - Leaf's Lucrative Library Visit

    It was a pity that Frontier Town's own library wasn't as expansive as Little Scriven's. More books meant more information, more to work with, more stories. And more time on the really cool tall sliding ladders in the stacks. Fortunately for everyone who wasn't Leaf and who likely would've...
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