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Search results

  1. Phoenixsong

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I have no idea who that is, but I guess I'll learn if I can ever tear myself away from Black ever again.
  2. Phoenixsong

    What Games Are You Playing?

    This. Though at this rate I doubt I'll have the money to get Golden Sun right away, boohoo. Also attempting to play FFTA since someone was nice enough to lend it to me, but it had the unfortunate luck of catching my attention the day before Black, and now... yeah sorry but wotter > Marche ATM.
  3. Phoenixsong

    What Games Are You Playing?

    DS: Last-minute training in Diamond and some PW T&T. Yeah. Wii: Uh... nothing, really. PBR sort of and Twilight Princess (GCN version) eventually I'll get around to it I guess? PC: Other than experimentation with other random free games from Ubuntu's game repository, this weird game called KQ...
  4. Phoenixsong

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Re: The better now playing Diamond and a little Rondo of Swords. RoS really wishes it was Fire Emblem in most respects but it has its entertaining differences (most importantly, I can generally let people die without any sort of serious consequences!) and I'm enjoying it~ screw you Owl, screw you
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