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Search results

  1. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Glad to see that more of you were able to finish! Hm, well, Negrek, I would imagine that's either a difference in word processing software or a difference in settings. I know I hit the enter key twice to start a new paragraph (or more than twice if I needed more visual separation between two...
  2. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Tonight, my fingers hurt like what (made even worse by the fact that they've already been stiff for a long time now); I actually wore a hole in my little balloon stress ball thing, I was squeezing it so often to try and work out the kinks. All this month I have fought with my computer over...
  3. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Hm... yeah, personally I don't really buy the whole "the last part is all downhill, Week 4 is the easiest!" bit. Of course, it was definitely easier than 2 and 3 when I couldn't write at all, but I'm definitely fighting with the story as well. (It *might* have something to do with the fact that...
  4. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    ...and with that, I am finally caught up. Even after spending the better part of the day at the King Tut exhibit. Mwahaha, it feels so good to not be over 10,000 words behind anymore. (And to see the corner of my browser in that lovely, eye-hurting green.) Immediate goal-setting really helps, I...
  5. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    finally broke 30,000 yesss Okay, so. I figured out that, in order to be caught up by Sunday, I need to write about 4930 words a day. I did the math, and I can write approximately 2000 words an hour, which means my catch-up goal is working for 2 1/2 hours a day. Not as horrific as I first...
  6. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Cryssie: That's not a threat, that's you being silly. :/ I need a threat, like... humiliation or something, I don't know. You're sadistic, surely you can think of something good! Negrek: ...as long as you make it so that it isn't entertaining, then yes, I suppose that's a start. Leafpool: See...
  7. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    ^hissss I hate having zero attention span. >| At least I finally broke halfway. And I swear to god I am going to catch up by the end of this weekend. If I don't... uh... if I don't... my own self-imposed rewards/punishments aren't working. Threaten me, you guys D:
  8. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Word's/NaNo's current count of my document: ~22543 Translatorsbase count: ~23383 Off by about a thousand. They vary by that much. *shrug*
  9. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    No two word count programs use the same method of calculating words. Things vary. Such as: -Are you counting words that are purely numerals: (e.g. 2008, 12) -Words containing numbers and letters? (34A, etc.) -Are hyphenated words one word or two? What about words separated by other punctuation...
  10. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    I was going to get caught up by the end of this weekend. But then Friday didn't happen due to computer issues, I don't know what the heck happened to Saturday, and although today was relatively productive I ended up watching a whole mess of stand-up comics and puppets on TV, and... apparently...
  11. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    I know, I know. I have had no less than three seemingly brilliant new ideas (one of which is original fiction that I really wish I'd tried instead since they're doing that free manuscript thing again this year), as well as revelations that would make some of my old projects less retarded, and...
  12. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    To those of you who are feeling down about your NaNos and are thinking of switching: I hope you give today's pep talk a thorough look-see. :P Still behind, still behind, but I've started writing the bar fight, the interview with the rabid druggie and the great escape of the French. It's a...
  13. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    ...why does the novel have to end at 50,000 words? The goal is just to write that many, not to stop dead at 50,000 and have a finished book.
  14. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Still behiiiiiind~ argh but at least I'm trying this year. Hm, well, Cryssie, I guess the question is whether or not you think you'll be able to get more out of the idea and whether or not you think you'll actually enjoy it... Just make sure you hang onto what you've already written for the...
  15. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Not quite caught up yet, but at least I'm only a little more than a day behind as opposed to four days behind like before >.> ...actually I'm (just a little) further than my current word count would have you believe, but I'm leaving it like that until I hit the next milestone because it's a...
  16. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Argh, I'm like three days behind now ;-; I've been getting so distracted lately. And I'm not likely to get much more done today... I think I'll do that stuff and get my homework out of the way today and then write like hell on Sunday. Or something. D:
  17. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Officially it's actually "Poké Ball", but no one really cares. Most people write "Pokéball" or, if you're one of the people who treats Pokémon words like normal words instead of proper, trademarked nouns (the way you don't capitalize "dog" or "stick"), "pokéball", "poké ball", etc.. Whatever...
  18. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Complete and utter shit gogogoGO Dahlia. Oh, Dahlia. You vicious freak, you.
  19. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    ...I can't write anymore. First homework, then the election... oh, yesterday, why did you have to be so distracting? This is the first day that I've actually been behind. D: Well, I wasn't really suggesting just jumping around randomly so much as, well, you should probably write it in order but...
  20. Phoenixsong

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    I still maintain that the best strategy is writing whatever comes to you whenever it comes, be it exciting or boring. Yeah, you might burn out if you write all the fun stuff first, but there's no sense in denying yourself the pleasure of getting it down if that's when it hits you. It's just more...
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