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  1. Phoenixsong

    Posting a work that I would like to publish?

    I realized that. It was just an alternative suggestion, since she didn't specify anyway.
  2. Phoenixsong

    Posting a work that I would like to publish?

    I was referring to sites like Lulu, which she says are not a scam as long as you're willing to accept that you're not going to be rolling in dough. Of course going to a vanity publisher is dumb. That is a nice post, though.
  3. Phoenixsong

    Posting a work that I would like to publish?

    You could always try self publishing with a site like Lulu if you don't mind not having Harper Collins or whoever's name on the spine of your book; if you're looking to publish for money then that probably isn't an option, but I've seen authors who actually offer the same version of their books...
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