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  1. Q


    Well, I'm glad you're indignant about that. :)
  2. Q


    I agree that Homo sapiens aren't any better than animals, however there is a big difference between Humans and say, a cow. Get what I'm saying? When I said arguably human, I should've said arguably ALIVE. I'm pretty sure a fetus can't reason or develop ideas while inside the womb. Honestly, it...
  3. Q


    As a mother I'd hate to say it Leo, but who cares. You don't baby screeching in pain inside the womb. There's no real empathy. You can't dictate a Mother's life for a developing fetus that's arguably human.
  4. Q


    Last year I was pregnant with a girl. My fiancé and I were ecstatic. However at about the 3 month mark the Doctor noticed that the fetus was being strangled by my cord. However, I didn't take heed to the Doc's words. Here in my part of Michigan it's ridiculously theocratic. So I went through...
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