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  1. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    I love this intermission so much. I missed the kids we started out with. <3
  2. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Kanaya: Mediate. Be the auspistice.
  3. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    I like Dirk, because he appears to be both funny and quite possibly the most sensible of the new humans.
  4. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    I think I enjoy Dirk the most of the four, although Roxy is a close second. I like Jane and Jake, but they get kind of... grating after a while. Although to be honest, I am missing all of the original kids and the trolls an awful lot. :(
  5. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    TH3 UPD4T3S T4ST3 D3L1C1OUS W1TH SO M4NY D1FF3R3NT FL4VORS Ahem. Aside from that... I am getting a Hero of Space hoodie for Christmas! They're out of stock at the moment, of course, but hopefully soon there will be more.
  6. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    New Pesterchum is shiiiiiiiiny. *drools*
  7. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Hellmurder Island makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. ^^
  8. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    I didn't before, but I almost certainly will now. Yay! :D
  9. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    What I thought was more interesting was the bit where
  10. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Your prediction both makes sense and utterly horrifies me.
  11. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Spoilerific speculation time! Apologies for the abundance of parenthesis and the biology talk. :P
  12. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Yaaaaaaaay! :D
  13. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    DO WANT!
  14. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Actually, I am not entirely sure I like this new arc. I am sure it will be brilliant- IMO, Hussie has never failed us- but it's kind of freaking me out a little bit right now. And everything is CONFUSING and UNFAMILIAR and OH MY GOG.
  15. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    UPDATE YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Ahahahaha! There aren't very many updates yet but oh my gog updates guys! *goes to dance in circles*
  16. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Friday Friday Friday! Eeeeeeee! On another note, in order to give this post some sort of value, Intermission 2 freaks me out. Like... if I had nightmares, that's what would be in them.
  17. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    I really, really want all of the trolls to reach god tier. Not entirely sure how that would happen, but I'd like for it to. But then again I'm still holding on to the fantasy that "YES they will all win and survive and everything will be awesome and perfect and the trolls and humans will meet...
  18. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Oh, that would make sense! That's awesome. Intermission 2 = win. And man. When Hussie said short, he meant short.
  19. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    They should all get shiny new god tier outfits. All of them. And blarg there are truly no words. I just can't even... MY BRAIN IS MUSH. ...I think I might go watch it again.
  20. RosesBones

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    I just lost the game. But oh my gog four days. :33
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