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Search results

  1. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Wow. I like the Pitcher role a lot. :D
  2. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Yaaaay! Wait.. I liek Squirtles was Raine the doctor and Negrek was alien? What? Then why did... well, I was still pretty useless during the whole game, then. Sigh... But we won! I think this game went rather well.
  3. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 7] Applejack also could've been Aqua.
  4. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 7] Cirrus, I guess. I made the list with "name - role", Karkat made the list with "Role - name".
  5. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 6] The note is probably not Alice or Decus. It could be Hawk, though. I nominated Phantom because she sorta followed the pattern of Brute-notes, and also note that although she didn't post that much, she was never killed for total inactivity. I think...
  6. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 6] It's possible that Phantom was the serial killer, which could explain why the serial killer was seemingly inactive.
  7. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 6] Day 1: page 1, Day 2: page 10, Day 3: page 14, Day 4: page 17, Day 5: page 21, Day 6: page 23 So Phantom was a mafia member. The note seems to be like Brute, although I guess it could be Hawk. Decus seems pretty active though, since he sent in a...
  8. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 5] Whoops. Alright, then... Then, let's go for Phantom, I guess? We don't have much to do right now.
  9. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 5] Something I noticed is that Brute seems to be semi-inactive. The serious note only appeared on Day 3 and Day 5, which makes it seem like he's not very active. It would be good to look for someone who posted mainly on Day 2 and Day 4. Pathos hasn't...
  10. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 5] Why would Genis, the inspector, be following someone? Anyway, are you level 3 yet?
  11. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 5] Uh-oh, one healer is dead. Well, hopefully the healer heals you. Did you hear anything about the inspectors?
  12. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] I'm virtually useless in terms of night actions, because I'm an alien deactivator and the alien is already dead...
  13. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] Maybe... well, who knows? Hopefully Yuan is active and still alive.
  14. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] It might go from something super vague "___ has been going out at night" to something like "____ went to ____ (possibly the victim)'s house" to maybe even random inspector-level results like "_____ is mafia/doctor/etc.". Just a guess, but it...
  15. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] Cirrus is usually quite active... Let's go with Cirrus, until/unless she shows up to defend herself.
  16. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] I will withdraw my vote as well. And I would guess eight posts in total, since my level 3 is at 7 posts. I still don't want to abstain, though. Any suggestions?
  17. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] Killing twice in a night? Having a secret daykill, maybe?
  18. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] Flower Doll bandwagoning, I guess. If she's innocent, then she's still not of much use until she actually does something.
  19. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] That sounds pretty plausible. Also, if I'm correct about the notes' being related to the top-priority kill that was sent in, Brute is probably semi-inactive, since it looks like he sent in the note on Day 3, but he didn't on any other nights.
  20. Seritinajii

    Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

    Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4] Phantom Derpy Hooves - died on night 1. Grate Aural Sects Applebloom SilverJade - I think this is Twilight Sparkle? Lynched on day 2 and innocent. Mai OrngSumb Karkat Vantas - assumed to be Lloyd the vigilante. Arylett Dawnsborough Cirrus...
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