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Search results

  1. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    Pop: Electric/Psychic, Rock: Rock/Psychic, Punk: Electric/Dark or Steel/Dark, Metal: Steel/Psychic, Classical: Meloetta, Country: Grass/Psychic, And for each, a possible Type/Ghost (instead of Type/Psychic or /Dark) for Ballads. Hmm, for a book, I'd say Grass (pages made from plants) and then...
  2. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    I like the list you linked. I didn't get through all of them, but there were a couple I liked that they had there. 1) Leech 2) Indian Pipe Those two mainly.
  3. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    I'm thinking something that isn't also based off an animal (Magcargo's a snail). I'm thinking something Geodude/Roggenrola-esque, but with lava-ish-ness.
  4. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    Yeah, he kind of does too. Bleh. Oh, and another idea. I know we've had boulder Pokemon and all that already, but maybe a molten boulder/hardened lava Pokemon. Fire/Rock.
  5. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    I guess you skipped my idea because I forgot about Gallade and because there's a knight it doesn't matter. Well, then. Since that idea was HORRIBLY shot down, I've got nothing. Inanimate objects as Pokemon = *shoots self*, More plants = I can't think of anything, and they've done a lot of...
  6. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    A fighting type more based off a warrior kind of thing instead of martial artists and body builders. I mean like a KNIGHT. or a SAMURAI. Gallade/Hariyama. Also, ignore my idea below seeing as it doesn't matter due to the face there's already a knight Pokemon. Thinking it would be kind of like...
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