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Search results

  1. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open (Role-play) Pokemon Battle of the Kingdoms

    Gruff looked down at Blade as he came in at the end of the conversation. He shook his head a bit. "Blade, you know not to just listen in on matters... Besides, are you sure you want to go to the mainland? You've told me many times you do not like it," the Beartic said, contemplating. "But if it...
  2. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open (Role-play) Pokemon Battle of the Kingdoms

    Gruff stopped pacing as Frost walked in and knelt before him. He looked toward Frost, though not at him, clearly still thinking. He then looked down at Frost and nodded. He gave a short wave for Frost to rise before speaking. "I did call for you, Frost. You are my best warrior, and I have need...
  3. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open (Role-play) Pokemon Battle of the Kingdoms

    Gruff paced his cave on the main island of the Glastron Isles, then turned as the Spheal came rolling back in. "Are the Lapras and Wailmer gathered?" He asked. The Spheal replied, "I brought them to you, they are at the shoreline of your island!" Gruff grunted with a nod, grabbed his makeshift...
  4. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open (Role-play) Pokemon Battle of the Kingdoms

    Gruff woke in his cave on one of the islands of the Hydro Kingdom. Despite it being a semi-tropical location, it was cold, just how he liked it. He'd practically frozen the whole island with ice and snow just to suit him, being the Ruler, he decided he at least had the right. Nonetheless, he...
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