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Search results

  1. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Odette shrugged. "Nothing, honestly. But if you wanna be the Saint that keeps running away from their own problems to cause more for others, go off. You won't learn what it's like to level with other people like that."
  2. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    As Moltres went down, Odette didn't watch her fall. Instead, her eyes trained back on her flaming hands, watching as the new fires flittered up her arms and over her body, leaving no pain in her wake. It felt like a mix of Shadow and Radiance rolled into one, but was far more familiar, and far...
  3. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Again with the fire. Again with a burn licking away at her skin, searing it raw until she could no longer take it anymore. It seemed like every bitch and their fucking mothers brought fire to the battle, and as consciousness left her, she realized she'd met her fucking limit. She couldn't take...
  4. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    "Why?" Odette said between breaths. "Because you're still not the only one who's been fucked by reality. You're just the only one fighting a bunch of mortals over it! You fucking idiot! OF COURSE, it's not fair, and you have to fucking deal with it!"
  5. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Odette hustled after the bird, but the feeling of her self-inflicted wound and the steep incline of the terrain was starting to catch up with her. Nonetheless, she persevered. She could make it, if she— Mhynt’s voice reached her ears, and she turned her head in time to catch the grovyle...
  6. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Odette shook off the image with a violent shake of her head, stopping to drag her hands over her eyes and fully rub the projected memory away. Guilt struck her core, as she found she couldn't shake off the image of Moltres, smiling like the world hadn't chewed her up and spit her out again...
  7. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Odette slid backwards, gritting her teeth through a pained smile as Moltres' flames lapped against her skin. Fear sprouted along her nerves, but she forced aside in favor of her own anger. "That's it?" she scoffed. "I was expecting more, but that's what I get for assuming anything substantial...
  8. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Odette took a breath, and as Jawile sunk their teeth into the skin on her arm, she could barely feel Moltres' despairing aura over her own. As her power coursed through her, and she felt the blood rushing over her skin and dripping onto her skirt, she snickered. "I'm disappointed. I'd have...
  9. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Odette had merely heard whispers of the shit that Moltres had been up to. She’d been far too caught up in her own head (and her own reservations, let’s be real) to face another Wrathful legendary, but now it seemed there was no choice. After hearing the conversation Mhynt and Dave had had with...
  10. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Odette breathed a sigh of relief as she listened to the rumbling fade off into the night. It never got close, and nothing reared. Thank the gods. However, that didn't ease her tenseness. Whatever that was was still out there. And they didn't know what it was for sure. But, at least it was...
  11. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Odette began to massage her temple with her free hand. "Right now, we're as good as trapped up here until something with wings comes around. In the meantime, we're in an excellent position to do some good, old-fashioned, quiet field research. Watch it, see what it does, and note it." Again, her...
  12. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    She gestured wildly to Ridley. "The hell makes you think I had any interest in fighting it? I went down to get a better look, not to throw shit at it," she hissed. "Don't need to tell me twice that taking that thing on is the definition of asinine." She fell quiet as she listened to him speak...
  13. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Now that Odette was feeling like she was in a better state of mind, the look she gave Kimiko was a perplexed one. It even had a dash of anger within it. “Bro, are you—“ she started to say, but she cut herself off to listen to Kimiko speak more. By the sinvy was done talking, Odette looked like...
  14. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Odette took her time catching her breath. She didn't bother yelling at Ridley for calling out to it, because then she'd look even more crazy than she already did. Besides, as much as they fucking hurt, those pins majorly grazed her from the range at which they were shot at, and she'd been...
  15. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    She was close to the top. She was so fucking close to the top. Of course, that was the appropriate time for the stupid thing to notice her. When Odette realized she couldn’t hear skittering anymore, she paused. She wasn’t sure why, or how smart that was, but for a second, her limbs just didn’t...
  16. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Odette ignored both the snivy and mimikyu as she leaned out to get a better look at what was skittering around out there. She even lowered her glasses to allow herself to focus in on the last spot she had seen it; farsightedness apparently worked well for that. She wanted to snap back at them...
  17. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Don't yell. Don't yell. Don't yell. Don't yell. Several thoughts passed through her brain at once. The urge to tongue-lash the shit out of Kimiko for whatever the hell just came out of her fucking mouth fought with her survivalist need to stay absolutely silent. She cringed through Ridley's...
  18. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Of course it was strong, of course it hurt them really badly. Did she even have to ask that much? She thought back to what Bellatrix had been hypothesizing about earlier, how it was possible the charmeleon had been sent, and suddenly Ridley's reminiscing struck a bit of a harsher cord. If it...
  19. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Odette nodded along with the explanation. "Fire burning with no light?" she repeated. On a charmeleon, no less. It sounded rather ghostly, though she couldn't think of any ghost Pokemon (at least from her world) that let off flame that didn't produce light. Even Ange's flame always exuded a...
  20. Sinderella

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Odette had ultimately decided that sticking with her initial hunch--going on the night watch--was the best bet. She would just hope and pray that everyone else came back with ample information, and didn't do anything to fuck it up. She leaned on the barrier of their perch, eyes scanning the...
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