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Search results

  1. Sinderella

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    Odette nodded. “Yeah, if the fuckers who are literally hopping and out of here through portals aren’t getting eaten alive by these dungeon things, I can’t imagine we’ll be any worse off,” she scoffed. Still, she wasn’t all that keen to stick around and find out just how many more stupid wild...
  2. Sinderella

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    Odette’s expression flattened into something more deadpan, and she raised her hands as if surrendering. No; fuck this. They needed to get to the fucking Abbey and get this trek over with. Battling a territorial aggron was not in the cards for this. “Betel, can you tell this guy nobody here is...
  3. Sinderella

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    Fertility rituals, huh? That got a chuckle out of her. “Yeah, the legendaries like Arceus are a little more profound than that where I’m from. We have a Pokemon pantheon, and what most colloquially call a human pantheon. With religions like Christianity, which, I’m sure you’re familiar with...
  4. Sinderella

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    Well, damn, shit, Odette thought as she flexed the corners of her lips. If she'd have known she was going to get interrogated about this, she'd have kept her fucking mouth shut. "Well, simply put, I think he's the god of all self-righteous pricks and dickheads. But more people seem convinced...
  5. Sinderella

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    “Oh,” she said, turning toward Felin. “In my world a lot of people worship this god named Arceus. So a lot of churches and holy sites were based around him. They’d hold ‘services’ for the sake of worship. Basically giving those in my world a chance to show their spiritual devotion, or...
  6. Sinderella

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    Odette wasn’t quite sure why she felt a trip to a fucking Abbey was up in her wheelhouse. An Abbey was a holy place right? Like Arcean churches where she was from? And every time she walked into an Arcean church, she’d end up losing her lunch somewhere. Who’s to fucking say this trek wouldn’t...
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