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Search results

  1. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take you on.
  2. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    1v1 Single DQ: 7 Days Style: Set Banned Moves: OHKOs, Self-destruct moves like Explosion, Curse, Destiny Bond, Rain Dance Damage Cap: None Arena: Barren, Rocky Desert Adding to the very diverse area that makes up Asber, there is a completely barren and rocky desert somewhere in its vast land...
  3. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    derp derp derp sorry! D: I'll go fix that stupid error >>
  4. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    Taking ABCD vs blazheirio889 because I don't have enough already. I'll put up the thread after blaze does edits to her active squad when round 3 of the tourney is posted.
  5. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    Taking the battle then and I will get to reffing now! Edit: To be clear, I'm taking Metallica Fanboy vs The Omskivar vs Light Yagami vs Lord of the Fireflies
  6. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    Taking Arylett Dawnsborough vs. Mai For the monies/pay back a debt. Thread up soon
  7. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    The arena amused me, and the battle was still available. I didn't really care how old it is.
  8. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    Taking Coroxn vs Melodic Harmony. Thread to be up very soon.
  9. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    and accepted
  10. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    I assume that it would have access to every move it's pre-evolutions have access to, just like all fully-evolved pokemon. Same with egg moves; they don't just lose the ability to use them upon evolving!
  11. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    I'm going to regret this, but I did promise Squor, so I'll ref Squornshellous Beta vs I liek Squirtles. I'll get the thread up when I can actually get on my computer instead of my PS3.
  12. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    And I'll ref the four of you! thread to be up soon EDIT: Just to be clear, its Whirlpool, Mawile, Lord of the Fireflies, and RespectTheBlade all in one battle(teams to be determined via RNG)
  13. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    ^I'll take the above challenge vs Superbird(can't quote it right now due to my PS3's stupid 1,025 character limit).
  14. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    Taking BlackTitress vs Coroxn and Pwnemon vs ole_schooler. Threads to be up soon EDIT: Also taking DarkAura vs zeKieranator.
  15. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    Sorry, forgot to edit saying I can accept no more challenges, as I am already taking on 3(one vs thunder, one vs Zapi, and one vs Kratos Aurion). Maybe next time?
  16. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    2vs2 Double DQ: 8 days Damage cap: 34% Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, direct healing, explode/self-destruct/perish song/destiny bond(when it is a 1v1 or 1v2 situation and one of the pokes on the team of 2 remaining uses it), and 12 chills Arena: Animé-Style Battling The Pokémon battle in...
  17. Skyman

    The Challenge Board

    3vs3 single Style: Switch DQ: 8 days Damage cap: 25% Banned moves: OHKO moves, weather-changing moves, 20 chills Arena: Surrounded plain A fairly large and unremarkable plain, with the exclusion of the fact that it is surrounded entirely by rock walls, has a sizeable lake on the southern side...
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