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Search results

  1. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    I know a few people here that will kill me for restating the obvious again (either Blaziking, Srsevoir, or Superbird coughcough) but.... -TM's functioning like HMs? -Attack power for several attacks increased? -Other similar points I fail to mention? Gen V will turn battling as we know it into...
  2. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    its unanimous that the music epic wins. the second nintendo bans new information release, i will CRAWL to wahington state and kill them. 3000 miles later.
  3. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    Rant #5: (get to floatzel.net, it's probably the only site not spammed by "nintendo" (used loosely right now) to remove pics.) -I have a few ISSHU-es with the following sprites: Crobat (looks drunk), Linoone (back problems?), the Garbage-mon (spare parts?), Blaziken and Deoxys (disproportionate...
  4. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    I know that. other than the little thing, the game is DEFINITELY amazing. Rant #4: Nintendo, I HATE YOU FOR MAKING SEREBII REMOVE THEIR PICS. If your not nintendo, I SHALL FIND YOU. EDIT: Psypokes won't let me on to the main site to see the sprites. It keeps freezing, darn it. The...
  5. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    RANT #3 What's this with the Elite 4? 4 equally "syndey-from-hoenn E4" leveled team, a legend battle, then im assuming a MASSIVE spike in levels for the lance-knockoff champion. Black and White is imressive alright (AND wIth DIVE!!!!) but they rippoed off practically every generation
  6. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    RANT #2 of many -TMs have changed. -New champion looks like Lance with a lot more hair mixed with Bruno's pose. -The Kanoko Town music reminds me of Hoenn (which isn't a bad thing, Hoenn's been the best thing since the franchise began) -The cries give me deja vu. I'm BUYING THIS GAME.
  7. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    ZOMG DIVE'S BACK!!!! ...now that that's out of the way, the Pure flying (you read right) seems interesting. And pointless. The Gym leader typings remind me of Johto. DIVE's BACK as a TM. can't wait to see the new underwater regions. hello, hoenn concepts. good to see you again. One of the...
  8. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    Probly reiterating this, but seriously? is there some fire/fighting-type combination obsession in japan? three in a row now. the whole three gym leaders for sanyou city is a nice touch. very similar to the "rival takes advantageous type" concept. love the badge for that gym, too.
  9. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    the swan doesnt have a bra. it was shown in a pic for the new contest kind of thing like that (i think)
  10. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    So according to Psypokes, only Isshu-native Pokes are obtainable Pre-National Dex. Which means that this is the first time in the main line of games (RBY(FRLG)/GSC(HGSS)/RSE/DPPt) that Pokemon like Pikachu won't be available in the Regional Dex. Folks, if this is true, then we're about to...
  11. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    I was just thinking about this: In my Pokemon fantasies as a little kid, I created a combination of a Pokemon Center and a Pokemon Mart together as one building (discouting Department Stores of course, those take up too much room). And look what the Gen V games have to offer now. Stealing my...
  12. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    did you SEE the new legendaries? EPIC WIN. AND they're dragon types.
  13. SonicNintendo

    Black & White

    have you seen the pics on serebii.net?
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