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Search results

  1. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia had nearly galloped into the shed, and was huddled in a corner, shuddering violently in an attempt to get rid of the water that had fallen on her. "I think it's Violet City. Or at least, I was near there when I was captured." she offered sullenly. "Who knew that going out to catch a...
  2. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia stamped a hoof, looking up in irritation as she felt a drop of rain. "Water? No, not water!" She nearly scrambled back inside, but another look at the Rockets and their Pokemon made her just sidle closer to the others. "I always hated rain." she said mournfully, arrogance melting away in...
  3. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia snorted. "And suffocate everyone else in there as well? Remember, most of us can smell your gas, and do you really want to chance that a few of the others might be caught in that? They're all going to do fine - Pokemon are much stronger than humans, and if anything really goes wrong we can...
  4. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia paused, just as she was about to escape. It seemed like every Pokemon for itself, but a tiny shred of loyalty remained. Sure, she could just run off and leave the others to blunder around by themselves, but being in a group sometimes hlped, and no one would dare to catch a whole group of...
  5. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia rolled her eyes, charging right into the mess and flailing her hooves. "Hysterical idiot." she muttered, before trotting over to stand in front of Charlene. "By your scream, I assume you need help?" she asked, and then rammed into the Raticate, sending it tumbling. Whirling around to shoot...
  6. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (Yeah, we're in the hallway. :P Still. Must be a pretty long one.)
  7. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia snorted and shook her head, trying to avoid breathing in the foul-smelling gas. "Eugh..." The Ponyta was right behind the Ralts, not out of consideration for the other's lack of light, but because the air was much clearer down the hall. Ears pinning back, she gasped a few times, aware of...
  8. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (Especially considering Atnura's signature move's name... XD Anyways, *posts*) Balia sighed. "I suppose..." she grumbled, not liking the fact that her position as leader had easily been ursurped by the Ralts. Turning her head to judge the distance between the Rockets dashing around, and...
  9. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia snorted, following the Ralts. "My name is Balia, Sandshrew." she called back, ears returning to their normal position on her head, instead of being flattened as they had been for the last few minutes. "This will be fun..." Her flames finally returned to their normal size, temperature and...
  10. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia bestowed a pitying glance on Deuce. "If we tried to concuss them, they'd die. Our hooves are too hard, and even the lightest kick would crack their skulls." she said loftily, glad that a friend of hers had once loaned her a Ponyta that she had trained for a few weeks. She wasn't a complete...
  11. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    "Eugh... who flicked me?" Balia demanded, rousing with the flick. It wasn't painful, but a combination of the constant heat, the flick and her own fury at the stupid Skitty using that stupid attack was enough to get her to wake up. Now feeling the very strong urge to trample the unfortunate...
  12. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    ((And I'll be gone for most of today... >< Driving to the mountans. :P So this is my only post)) Balia neighed loudly, ears flattening against her skull. "Why did you do that..." she muttered, flames dimming. "Stupid. We'll all be captured..." To her, it was obvious the plan was going to fail...
  13. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (Fourth-ed? I go to sleep when everyone suddenly jumps on and the thread booms. I wake up to 2-3 pages and have to sneak on so that my dad doesn't get ahead of me to check his motorcycle forum. :P That said, I am one of the people who post the most here. Erm, sorry! *hides*The idea's very good...
  14. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    She snorted. "No problem. Now how about all the ones on Team Two leave once we wipe out this little group?" She tried the Ember again, swaying a bit as one of the Rockets entered and got burned. The constant pounding of heat was taking its toll... Resolving to get better with kicking, she reared...
  15. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia's eyes widened; the Poochyena was helpless! She wasn't even sure how she did it - she had been feeling weak after her Flame Wheel, but the heat returned, making the air ripple. Opening her mouth, she locked on the Rocket and neighed angrily, feeling a ball of fire suddenly flare up in her...
  16. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia neighed, turning around so that when one entered, she could kick the victim. Head tilted, she watched the doorway with growing excitement, flames slowly getting brighter and brighter. "One's really close to the door!" she announced, and then promptly kicked as the Rocket walked in. Her...
  17. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia blinked; whatever the Ralts was doing wasn't working properly as the human straightened. "Feh, this will be fun." she muttered, before trying to dash towards him. Maybe it was because she was so focused on him, but she didn't trip up or get her legs tangled; behaving rather like the...
  18. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia shrugged as best as she could. "So? We'd get revenge on all the ones that captured us! And it'll just be a few of us around, so only the humans will get hurt!" she retorted, flames returning to normal again. "Hee, if I practice kicking on the Rockets, I'll never have trouble with locks and...
  19. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia blinked, already singing "Battle, battle, battle~" in her head. "Ride me?" she repeated. Was this a joke? Well, Ponyta were often used as mounts, but to think of the Ralts riding on her? The indignity of it all! Still, it sounded like a good plan, and personally, she wasn't that great when...
  20. Stormecho

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Balia sighed. "I don't know what level I could be. I don't even know how I attacked. I just felt really hot, and then the lock sort of melted." she admitted uneasily. "If I could figure out how to control it, I bet I'd do a ton of damange." Bragging again, but hey, if she could melt metal, she...
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