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Search results

  1. StyliBoy

    On Removing Clutter

    Haha. That's wasn't the point. The point was you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. And even if you look inside and don't like it, that doesn't mean that everyone has to not be able to like it. That, my friend, is not democracy. And democracy seems to be the best type of government...
  2. StyliBoy

    On Removing Clutter

    Wow. Well, I believe then that we should get rid of all social groups that have Watershed in them because he's weird See how that sounds stupid? This isn't my opinion at all because I don't know you, and I don't mean a word of it, but I say it anyway. That's what you're doing. You don't know if...
  3. StyliBoy

    On Removing Clutter

    I didn't say US vs. World didn't have to be deleted. (It was getting too big) I'm saying you guys are talking about how all the Forum Games are crap. I don't think so, and a lot of other people feel the same way.
  4. StyliBoy

    On Removing Clutter

    I don't exactly think that it's useless crap. Personally, I think that ASB is crap, but I don't go around asking mods to delete the forum because other people actually like it! Now, you may not like the Forum Games, and that's fine with me, but that gives you no right to call it useless crap...
  5. StyliBoy

    On Removing Clutter

    I had a huge one when Surskitty killed TCoD (How dare you!!), but nothing ever before...
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