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Search results

  1. Sunnybeam

    [OOC] TCG Tournament: Pokemon-ex

    I have made a decision as per the cutoff of this RP. I don't want the cast to be very large - four or five sign-ups would suffice. I also want to start this within two weeks. So whichever comes first - five signups or March 21 - will be the cutoff. After that, I'll allow some time to finish...
  2. Sunnybeam

    [OOC] TCG Tournament: Pokemon-ex

    You're definitely reserved, I like Vai's personality. And that's fine, this is kind of a test-run...only one person ever signed up for this on PC, so I never actually got to start. It might work well as a full-forum RP, but I want to try a smaller version first.
  3. Sunnybeam

    [OOC] TCG Tournament: Pokemon-ex

    Sure, reserved.
  4. Sunnybeam

    [OOC] TCG Tournament: Pokemon-ex

    A New Pokemon World Across the reaches of reality, there are several Pokemon worlds. One, though, stands out from the rest; a world that manifests itself in ours as a card game. In this world, a substance called Energy is the greatest power in existence. It is the lifeblood of the planet...
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