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Search results

  1. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    also, ls99, why did y0u r0lebl0ck me on night 1? that d0esnt really make sense since i r0leclaimed as 0racle and inspect0r r0les cann0t be bl0cked :[ AND THE MAFIA KILLED ME ANYWAY
  2. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    i decided t0 play by myself in case any0ne was w0ndering i supp0se that didnt really help my cause in the end
  3. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    y0u guys are dicks i wanted t0 play m0re :(
  4. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) "man my p0wer is g0nna be awes0me but i cant tell y0u what it is!!!" thats really believable
  5. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) i have never heard 0f the 0racle being played that way at all thats interesting th0ugh but i can ask any yes 0r n0 question as my night acti0n but i cann0t ask questi0ns that directly reveal a tr0lls r0le 0r alignment which is a pain als0...
  6. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) als0 w0uld appreciate a heal t0night fr0m a d0ct0r assuming there is 0ne at all n0t sure what t0 ask yet th0ugh i have had n0 such suggesti0ns yet...
  7. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) well if there are three mafia then p0ssibly the d0n c0uld send their lackeys t0 d0 the dirty w0rk but thats n0t very likely in this case
  8. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) in a twelve-player game i d0ubt we have 0nly 0ne mafia member that is a stupid assumpti0n karkat d0 y0u require a calculat0r
  9. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) as we seem t0 all be agreeing i am g0ing t0 v0te RespectTheBlade alth0ugh im n0t entirely up-t0-date on what that means
  10. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) i think vriska did it 0u0 huh it l00ks even stupider than last time
  11. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) i s0meh0w d0ubt that nepeta has much t0 actually d0 with this situati0n n0te the lack of clawmarks described at the scene i am sure that her hunting instincts would make it s0mewhat 0bvi0us assuming 0ur inspect0r is dead, i supp0se n0b0dy is...
  12. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) i d0nt need a brain 0_0 but yes if i had t0 hazard a guess i w0uld pick vriska but i supp0se that may be a little unfair given the circumstances it certainly wasnt me my mind p0wers are m0stly used t0 break things ribbit
  13. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) im n0t a nightcrawler either eridan you may have n0ticed that i 0nly p0sted at 7am in bst alth0ugh i cant say i really kn0w what that is
  14. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) while i dislike d0uble p0sting it is needed in such cases as this 0ne i believe we should keep track 0f wh0 is wh0 because in the event of someone deciding n0t t0 speak it may be difficult t0 decide whether t0 kill them 0r n0t
  15. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) yes that was my assumpti0n, that terezi w0uld have been killed due t0 likely being an inspect0r-type player also mawile herself is a fairly seas0ned mafia player alth0ugh im n0t sure how exactly i kn0w such ribbit information ribbit ribbit it...
  16. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) well thats true i supp0se but perhaps the assailant severed her windpipe swiftly and spent the next while hacking her head 0ff f0r effect 0r perhaps t0 frame s0me0ne who has the means t0 sever tr0lls heads m0re easily than they d0 alth0ugh...
  17. Tailsy

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) please d0nt use y0ur tr0lls c0l0urs 0r i will have t0 be s0mewhat displeased i supp0se but y0u d0 have a p0int alth0ugh we d0nt actually kn0w h0w much 0f the flav0ur text is just flav0ur yet alth0ugh if y0u simply tried hard en0ugh y0u c0uld...
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