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Search results

  1. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D3] Yes; I can only use my inspection disc once. I used it. It is now broken and I can no longer use the inspect function. I'm pretty sure I explained this earlier in the thread.
  2. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D3] I don't think that's a particularly consistent roleclaim, there. And I doubt my inspection was tainted by sanity since A) I'm a freakin Genesect and B) sanities suck, so I'm sticking to my guns.
  3. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D3] Oh hey, this didn't come up until now. I used my inspection disc on Karkat last night; he is mafia. (And my disc broke, sob.) Karkat Vantas.
  4. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] Well, I'd prefer that you didn't kill me, in all honesty. Inspectors should feel free to inspect me if you have any issues about my innocence though.
  5. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] /shrug Glace, then.
  6. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] I'm not Ditto, so I can't exactly say anything confirming or denying your theory.
  7. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] Dusclops shows up as 'black' in the Pokédex though, doesn't it?
  8. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] That's a shame, since I'm right and you're wrong!
  9. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] /shrug It's not hard to find a set of unusual Mafia roles on the Internet, you know. I haven't done anything - night 0 I chose not to use my power until I was more sure of what to do with it, and night 1 I was absent and I didn't send in my action.
  10. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] Oh, I've mixed up names; that's why. I meant LS99. They both end in the same number ok ಠ___ಠ Sorry, KR-9. Your acronyms are terribly similar. but uhhhh. Okay, then. I can't really do much else about that.
  11. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] Sizz-Lorr just said that two people couldn't have the same Pokémon! So evidently either KR-9 is lying or he can't read. I can't exactly convince you of my innocence any more than I have - I thought that my rather detailed description of my exact powers might have...
  12. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D2] Errrrrrr. KR-9 is blatantly lying; I am Genesect and my power is the Jack-of-All-Trades. I can inspect, protect, kill, or use the Oracle function once. I have a 50% chance of being able to use a function again, but if so I'm hindered with a 50% fail rate. I wasn't...
  13. Tailsy

    Colorized Pokemafia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Re: Colorized Pokemafia [D1] WOW I SURE HOPE IT DOESN'T LOG ME OUT THIS TIME I'm Genesect - I'll abstain because I don't have the time to write a giant post on how lame and boring abstaining is.
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