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Search results

  1. Tailsy

    Gun Control

    Uh, 'gun crime' is used for people causing injury using air rifles, also! Air rifles are not as restricted as proper guns. That may also have contributed to the increase? Also, gun crime in Scotland is dropping significantly. Just a heads-up on the UK thing, because it's not true everywhere!
  2. Tailsy

    Gun Control

    ps there have been 31 school shootings in the US since columbine the rest of the world combined has had 14. let that siiiink in
  3. Tailsy

    Gun Control

    Hahaha, that's pretty much the consensus on Glasgow, too. Glasgow Has Problems and we don't talk about them.
  4. Tailsy

    Gun Control

    I thought Limerick, Ireland was the murder capital of Europe? You stole it from Glasgow, you dirty swines. :P But I'm very much for strict gun control laws. People kill people, yes, but it is a lot easier when you have a gun. Guns have literally no purpose other than to threaten, injure, and...
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