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Search results

  1. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    Lady Audley's Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. "Braddon's bigamous heroine deserts her child, pushes husband number one down a well, thinks about poisoning husband number two and sets fire to a hotel in which her other male acquaintances are residing." /shrug It's for class, honest.
  2. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    Just finished The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks. Fantastically creepy and twisted. I loved it.
  3. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    Except Tolkien didn't write Dune, which is what they're actually talking about... The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins (boring), and War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells (even more boring).
  4. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    The Bronte sisters' works were about a lot more than a 'decent story'. On-topic, currently reading Great Expectations by Charles Dickens and Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier.
  5. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    Stardust by Neil Gaiman. Meh. Passable.
  6. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    All I'm getting is that you don't like the Oxford comma because it's lazy. I don't think that's a very good reason, somehow.
  7. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    Really? I did my English dissertation on the treatment of same-sex relationships in Carol-Ann Duffy's poetry. I go to a Catholic school, and my teacher thought my dissertation was awesome.
  8. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy. I hate him. And every main character in this book. Except maybe Thomasin and Mrs Yeobright. The native in the title doesn't even /return/ until, what, the fifteenth chapter? (something that, it's divided into books so I've forgotten what chapter it...
  9. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    ... And That's When It Fell Off In My Hand by Louise Rennison. I'm such a book snob, obviously. P:
  10. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    The Woman Who Walked Into Doors by Roddy Doyle. I'm doing it for my Personal Study in English and it's pretty good. :3
  11. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    Uh-huh... :P 'Stop in the name of pants!' by Louise Rennison. <3
  12. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    What else does one get a book from?
  13. Tailsy

    What are you reading?

    The Butterfly House by Marcia Preston. I totally love this book. <3
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