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  1. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    As long as you guys keep it in Forum Games it isn't too bad (though most of that forum is bullshit), but I see too much regurgitated crap in other forums as well; and the quality of those boards should be more strictly enforced.
  2. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    I'm very aware of it. I just don't really post much anywhere thanks to it except where I deem it proper to post.
  3. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    yeah but there's a place and time for everything and this forum needs a bit less place and time for counting threads
  4. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    I am pretty sure you can name any modern day gaming console and people will tell you that it is objectively better than the NES, saleswise, performancewise, technically, consumer opinionwise, etc. I doubt that would be hard to figure out.
  5. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    Quality control is a good enough reason to get rid of anything. We don't use NES anymore, we have the Wii now? Why are you advocating being stuck in a silly repetetive cycle? I have yet to see a single dissection of Eevee's post by someone that was sound. Plus, your opinion isn't hard to...
  6. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    So you read it, smartie pants.
  7. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    Thanks for reversing the argument wrongly. I do, I used to post in them when I was 14. Then I grew up. I know what these threads consist of. But it's not contributing to the forum. That is my point, and Eevee's, and I wonder why reading is so difficult for you? This forum doesn't quite...
  8. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    I think removing it would do zero harm to the forum because people would be forced to actually post something worthwhile (something scarce).
  9. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    Zim, EeveeSkitty, this is why. I am going to repost this post over and over until you actually bother to get your head out of your ass and read what probably the most intelligent member on the board has to say. This post, his previous post, it sums it all up.
  10. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    unfortunately we are with 1000 people on a board not just Lucas755 and on the whole this kind of entertainment can be practiced elsewhere and better with the same enjoyment value. on the whole, if you want to play these games, go to a games forum where you can play it all day.
  11. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    it's directed at people like Cirrus and Arylett Dawnsborough and co. who don't understand Eevee's point about quality
  12. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    this reposted just so you people will fucking read
  13. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    with such a big thread I think sampling would still be an effective way of telling the truth instead of reading the whole thing which is a timeconsuming process and has a high chance of being redundant anyway
  14. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    Harassing who? It's a joke based on the premise that postcount enlarges your e-penis, which is an obviously false statement. I'm making it ironically, as per usual.
  15. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    Eris, stop throwing yer apples in here. Post count is a meaningless statistic; we can have it, but I don't set any store by it (though people who enjoy those statistics can have it, but it should be representative of what it is measuring, above all). That is the problem. This thread is about...
  16. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    I wouldn't trust myself with authority, I don't have natural authority besides yelling at people and I am a terrible decision-maker. All I've seen that came from this thread is some statistics that allow me to gravely doubt the need or existence of this forum, maybe not as a whole but many parts...
  17. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    It's not, but it's a damn sight better than most people's. Plus the stats back my opinion up. I dunno if you actually read the thread, but if ONE IN TWELVE posts are dedicated to a COUNTING THREAD, and ONE IN THREE posts is devoid of content, I'd say there's enough reason to yell: "Houston, we...
  18. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    Clearly, reality proves her wrong.
  19. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    Why not just stop talking and actually do it because these measures are looooong overdue
  20. Tarvos

    On Removing Clutter

    It's the sort of idle, diluted conversation that doesn't belong on the goddamn forums.
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