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  1. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    THE THIRD AND THE FUCKING MORTAL JESUS (continue discussion)
  2. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    yeah afaik the earlier stuff was better
  3. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    I made an edit, I hope that explains it better for you. It's a wall of text now though :* In short, I think Sirenia are close to what you could call pop metal (doubt that is a genre). It's a bit hard to get a general term for all these kinds of bands, so people slot them under metal and people...
  4. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    Depends if they do a full on makeover and play convincing metal. Considering it's Sirenia, doubt they can pull over a cloak. I mean, Sirenia suddenly riding motorcycles and drinking beer and shit, you think they can do that? I don't think so? I just think it'd be the same shitty old car with a...
  5. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    what the fuck metal doesn't need solos have you ever heard Neurosis and friends Actually, metal goes a LOT further than just these overall characteristics. Metal goes back to the fucking tritone, the use of the power chord, and is actually rooted in blues. If you wanna argue the theory, yeah...
  6. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    both are perfectly acceptable grammatically. how are they metal? because they have distorted guitars and wear fishnet stockings? to me it's just another version of Evanescence, except now the guitars sound louder! I like chick vocals, just, this is a thread about metal and I'd rather people...
  7. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    nothing except you are all like SIRENIA ARE GOOD but they are barely fucken metal as it is recommend some metal that doesn't have chicks would ya
  8. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    funny because these four are neither... i don't know I don't listen to Sirenia I have no interest in this goth pop "metal"
  9. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    The audio autopsy features FOUR people reviewing the album and the unanimous decision is that it sucks....
  10. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    I saw the audio autopsy at Global Domination for Sirenia and it got a 2.25/10 average and the owner of the site likes chick metal bands so....
  11. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    DF were shit when I saw them like... iono, two weeks ago? Danzig counts as really good Royal Hunt are a good band as well.
  12. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    I only have a compilation album I got sent by their label, you're gonna have to dig into their back catalog for that.
  13. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    they count as metal to me though there is a bunch of stuff in there
  14. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    Zeta there is no clear-cut awesome metal masterpiece. I guess it's like a Slayer record for some people, and it's a fucking Opeth record for other people. Blackwater Park by Opeth is a good place to start. Also, in addition to what Retsu mentioned, Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Dog Fashion Disco...
  15. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    there's tundra in norway too but why aren't you calling norway out or finland or russia or canada or the united states plus obviously by and large not all of sweden is tundra silly generalisation innit
  16. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    It's ridiculous stereotyping. Like what I did with Norwegian black metal.
  17. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    more like they walk through forests and burn down churches OH WAIT THATS NORWAY SRY
  18. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    They have Opeth, Pain of Salvation and Katatonia which are three of my favourite bands so yeah... Also a lot of other good metal comes from Sweden... that country is a breeding ground for good metal.
  19. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    That's the only one I've heard tbh (the new one) and it is pretty damn wicked. Dunno how it compares to the others.
  20. Tarvos

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    falconer went gay when they lost Mathias Blad Falconer needs Mathias to sound good
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