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  1. T


    I felt it necessary to post this. Any comments on Jesus cursing a fig tree for not having figs, months before fig season?
  2. T


    I love how you always talk down about people who wield religion badly when you frequently use it as a reason for homophobia.
  3. T


    Wrote epic essay on this where there's total implication throughout the story that the protagonist is a gay dude but then in the twist ending its a black dude campaigning for the right to marry his white girlfriend back in the 50s. Anyway; humanrightspwn
  4. T


    No, what I meant was LeVeyan Satanists use magic as a term for their own willpower.
  5. T


    From what I've read about the rituals, they're like meditation with special objects and incense and candles and shit.
  6. T


    I'm pretty sure the "magic" in LeVayan Satanism is the same as the idea that if you will something to happen, it is more likely to happen than if you didn't will it.
  7. T


    It isn't a part of human nature and could be discarded if we tried hard enough, though it would be difficult. Also that link isn't even slightly offensive, it's just bullshit.
  8. T


    I called it 'the grotto-thing' because I'm not even sure what it is.
  9. T


    Now let's see. First of all, it's hard to appreciate the place when I'm ankle deep in water. I was interested in it's history, I love history, but the fact that I didn't want to drive four hours plus the weather kinda put a damper on that. Secondly, the 'extortionist crap' was the merchandise in...
  10. T


    I found it offensive because there are things I believe but not for religious reasons. I believe in karma for example. Note that he said that I have no 'beliefs' not 'religious beliefs'.
  11. T


    OK, religion-related rant, let's count the amount of justifiable "WTF?"s. I was in France recently, and my aunt, uncle and mother all wanted to go to Lourdes. My dad is an atheist but didn't mind going and none of the seven children wanted to go. We went. (WTF?) Shitpissing rain, we're dragged...
  12. T


    I don't hate a religion because someone gave me a bad impression. I hate it because it was forcefully shoved down my throat by a state-owned school for eight years. There's a difference. And as I live in Ireland, I'm PERFECTLY AWARE that Catholicism it the most popular religion, no need to...
  13. T


    I met a guy who thought he was an Indigo Child once. Nutjob.
  14. T


    You just fucked a perfectly good parable up the ass you know that? Gimme a high five. I'm not judging the people per sé I'm judging their religion's methods of recruitment. Here in Ireland, parents have the absurd idea "Look, we'll raise them Catholic and when they're older they can choose...
  15. T


    I don't know how people can have faith in a religion that's been proven wrong but I hold a deep respect for people who treasure their religion. I have no respect for people who shove their beliefs down other people's throats or who use it to make themselves feel superior. Which is why I give a...
  16. T


    Not you too! D:
  17. T


    No I meant the "my religion is fantastic and it renders all else obsolete". I've been bullied for being atheist.
  18. T


    If only my grandparents, mother, ex-girlfriend and art class were like you :D In Ireland, our primary school RE is only Catholicism. Not even Christianity in general, JUST Catholicism. Yet so many people use religion in debates. Like in the fur trade argument, I had to debate on the 'Against'...
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