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Search results

  1. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    And? It in itself is not Dwarfland, Dwarfland is the entire mountain range and Farthen Dur is simply one mountain in it. It is the only part of Dwarfland that requires psychic interrogation for entrance. Personally, I'd rather have a skilled asshole than talentless nice guy doing my interrogation.
  2. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    They're not entering Dwarfland, they're entering the secret base of a rebel group. If someone showed up at the secret entrance to your base, you'd interrogate them to find out why and how they got there. Well in Inheritance, they just happen to have a better type of interrogation. Unfortunately...
  3. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    The Varden didn't know that he'd risked death or worse though, did he? All they knew was that the son of one of their most fearsome enemies showed up with Eragon. Why would you risk letting a spy into your midst just to look fair? And stop making it look like they treated Murtagh unfairly...
  4. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    I still think its perfectly okay for them to do that to someone who was potentially on of their biggest threats, and later rose to be one of their biggest threats.
  5. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    I think invading someone's mind just because their dad was one of the most powerful people on the side of Evil and he lived in the castle of the King for most of his life and was in the King's employ is fairly kosher. Also, note that they didn't invade Murtagh's mind, he held out, which earned...
  6. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    That was a mistake on my part. Interestingly enough, it was the second book. I personally haven't read the third yet. And in the instance it was Roran and the town of Carvahall against two supernaturally powerful assassins and the medieval equivalent of a SWAT team. Also, my main point was the...
  7. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    Rebels = A group rebelling against some form of opression or another group on a higher level in the social hierarchy. Terrorists = A group attacking another group because of prejudice or revenge who create fear but rarely openly attack their target.
  8. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    Well then, they were just protecting Roran. Roran was no threat to the Empire, but Galbatorix sent two dangerous and unpredictable human-eating predators and a platoon of soldiers to sieze him. The villagers were betrayed by their own King and they did their best to prevent Roran from being...
  9. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    According to my copy, he sent not only the Ra'zac, but a unit of Imperial soldiers to attack Carvahall and sieze Roran. Notice the word attack. Naturally, the villagers are less than happy about being attacked and attacked back. Then they were indeed given that offer. Which would you have taken...
  10. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    So wait, there's this village where, as far as he knows, and it's never made fact, a couple of Varden members, might, have stayed, in the past, at a time unrelated to the sabotage that has just happened. And he's protecting the Empire by slaughtering all its inhabitants, who probably had no idea...
  11. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    Because Durza, or even Galbatorix for that matter, is magically powerful enough to stop the egg mid-transport. Let's say we have the Varden at Point A, the Elves at Point B (outside Du Weldenvarden) and Durza and Galbatorix at Point C. What you're thinking is this: A---> --->B ____C What I'm...
  12. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    Thanks MD, I've been meaning to read that.
  13. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    Well that's got me beat.
  14. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    Granted But Farthen Dur was the only Varden stronghold at the time, meaning they had to traverse the continent. If Durza could pinpoint where Arya and he guard would pass, it wouldn't be beyond him to find a transport location. Yes, it is all assumption, Paolini is giving us little details...
  15. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    Well it's not a) because I've seen them to respond to people who haven't argued against them. So probably b). If by b) you mean that I didn't include a quote, not meaning by b) the information I presented was incorrect. Yes, I know that. A flamberge is a type of blade, not a rapier. That was...
  16. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    Fine, bad example, I was in a rush to get out of my IT class. These are some examples of how Anti-Shur'tugal, when faced with refuting evidence, completely ignore it: http://www.anti-shurtugal.com/wordpress/?p=43 Comments 30. http://www.anti-shurtugal.com/wordpress/?p=18 Comments 44, 46/7...
  17. T

    Inheritance Cycle

  18. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    Possible reasons for acting like a pompous ass: 1) He's nervous and unsure of himself and is getting his words out wrong. 2) His coddling parents have made him overconfident in his writing ability. 3) He is in fact a pompous ass. Personally, I'm inclined to go with 2). Maybe he's overcondifent...
  19. T

    Inheritance Cycle

    Anti-Shurtugal? They couldn't argue their way out of an English class with a stormtrooper death squad at their command. They have blatant oversight in at least two articles (which I've pointed out to no response or acknowledgement) and many of their other articles include fact-twisting and...
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