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Search results

  1. Tetra

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Archie's words heartened Koa a bit. At least Archie had supported trying to reason with it. He found himself appreciating the oshawott's levelheadedness. They were just pokemon. Pokemon infected or tainted somehow, driven into that frenzy by something else. Someone else. "Yeah... couldn't hurt...
  2. Tetra

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Koa had kept his gaze trained on his paws, not wanting to look at Odette or think more about her in case he snapped. He could already feel that nagging burning in his chest from when he and Blake would get into fights and disagree. And he could feel a snide retort building. The knot in him...
  3. Tetra

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Yeah you not thinking seems to be a habit for you. Koa withheld the angry comment only barely, though he realized he was probably scowling at Odette and giving her a dirty look. Forcing himself to look away, he stared at his paws instead. He still felt that simmering resentment every time he...
  4. Tetra

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    A pang of sympathy filled Koa at Steven's words. Back home he was used to the constant presence of his team, and he always felt safe. After the wagon and now this, whatever scraps of that feeling that remained had vanished. Nowhere felt safe. What was to stop a shadow from attacking the Sun...
  5. Tetra

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Steven had made it. After that, and the Maus arriving, everything else had been a hazy blur. The sensation of being carried, ending up at Drungfields, and a bed. At some point he'd drifted off, but proper sleep never came, only a listless half consciousness. Murmurs of conversation mingled with...
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