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Search results

  1. Thanks for All the Fish

    Open [Scrubs] My First RP {NOW STARTED}

    Yup.Everyone does, anayway. Good plan.
  2. Thanks for All the Fish

    Open [Scrubs] My First RP {NOW STARTED}

    Re: [Scrubs] My First RP ((a) You Go Advanced, and pull down the bar that made it open, and Click Closed ...2)Wait,Wait, Isn't the Janitor a main caracther, and Sargent didn't sign up yet? c) I kill puppies now? 0_0
  3. Thanks for All the Fish

    Open [Scrubs] My First RP {NOW STARTED}

    Re: [Scrubs] My First RP Probably. We hafta wake up Cox. Whoa. Came out wrong.O_o *beats him with bat* HEY,EVERYONE'S HERE!
  4. Thanks for All the Fish

    Open [Scrubs] My First RP {NOW STARTED}

    Re: [Scrubs] My First RP Well, Me and Pikadator happen to be related, and we share only one computer....
  5. Thanks for All the Fish

    Open [Scrubs] My First RP {NOW STARTED}

    Re: [Scrubs] My First RP Er, I gotta better idea! I'll PM everyone but Turk. Because,well Pikadator's right here.T-T. so yeah, I'll log out soon, and he'll make his form.
  6. Thanks for All the Fish

    Open [Scrubs] My First RP {NOW STARTED}

    Re: [Scrubs] My First RP So... We start when...? -_-
  7. Thanks for All the Fish

    Open [Scrubs] My First RP {NOW STARTED}

    Re: [Scrubs] My First RP So I just.... What? Sabotage random people? Fwee.
  8. Thanks for All the Fish

    Open [Scrubs] My First RP {NOW STARTED}

    Re: [Scrubs] My First RP Fwee. Name:Jordan Sullivan Occupation:Board member. Personality: Mean, vemonous, cruel, you get the picture, right? Also, what do I do? Do I just hang out in the hopspital, or... what?
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