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Search results

  1. Thanks for All the Fish

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    DRAWINGS ARE BETTER >:( Now with that popous asseryish commnet liberated DO ME DO ME DO ME*jumps around like a giddy schoolgirl*
  2. Thanks for All the Fish

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    Oh god you'e meeeeeeee execpt I'm the oppositwe of the first two :v So I dub you A BERET-WEARING CHINCHOU ಠ_ಠ
  3. Thanks for All the Fish

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    Are the words "batshit" and "crazy" not a compliment what era is this ;;
  4. Thanks for All the Fish

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  5. Thanks for All the Fish

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    You don't seem like a Marril anymore to meee o: Nooo, nonono. You sound like a Spinda. YOU'RE BATSHIIIT CRAZZZYYY in any conversation we've had x3 ALL RIGHT YOU CAN DO ME BUT I HHAVE PEPPER SPRAY SO NO SUDDEN MOVEMENTS
  6. Thanks for All the Fish

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    People I sorta kinda kn-ow~ Dragon is a Spearow with an accent. Quite outspoken she is, yerp. And the accent? Er.. some accent sound intimidation *coughwelshcough* and also that would be awesome Queen 'Lett seems like a Stanler oh god the confusion seriously guys talk to the woman-*shot before...
  7. Thanks for All the Fish

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    THEY BOTH START WITH SSSSSSSSSSSS You just are. Not really in threads, mostly checking Who's Online, but WHAMMO THEN YOU ARE EVERYWHERE.
  8. Thanks for All the Fish

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    Mebbe it's the fact that you use an Action Replay in some parts x3 Naah, kidding. You just seem like a ghostiiiie.
  9. Thanks for All the Fish

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    AHAHAHAH WUT. I don't chase my tail-oh wait damnit. >8 Um, you're a Spiritomb. WITH A HACKED WONDER GUARD HOW BOUT THAT.
  10. Thanks for All the Fish

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    Butbut Typh's a girl D: Hmm...Snorlax. That actually makes sense since I'm a laaazy ass You come off as a Grovyle. No, I don't know o.o
  11. Thanks for All the Fish

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    Floatzel Not hard to see, really. :3 You come off as a Luxray.
  12. Thanks for All the Fish

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    .......why YOU'RE A RALTS.
  13. Thanks for All the Fish

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    :D Anyway Zora, I see you as a KirliaSneasel, really. I have not the slightest clue. Oh wow, I haven't done Kai. Hmm. You come off as a Houndoom to me. Nothing involving evil or whatnot, it's just you've always seem..leader-ish?
  14. Thanks for All the Fish

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    Sometimes you remind me of a Latios, minus the male thing...yeah. And surskitty of a Latias.
  15. Thanks for All the Fish

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    Hmm. Blasty. I'd go wiiith: Lucario. Always the peacemaker, the one who puts things right. Clear headed and not a basher, usually *see: He actually said something somewhat nice about CB*
  16. Thanks for All the Fish

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    Another vote for Wartortle. Or a Jolteon. Nice. Hmmm. Although I do see you as a Jirachi still, I think I have different reasons. You're nice. Easy to talk to. Logical.
  17. Thanks for All the Fish

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    :DD Ahhhh. One vote for Warty, one fer Mew, one fer Pichu *lolwut* one fer Slowbro, annnd one fer Totodile. Niiice. But seriously. STOP JUDGING ON RANDOM. >>
  18. Thanks for All the Fish

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    A Mew, a Totodile, and a Slowbro. Daaah. Not bad. But..anything else?
  19. Thanks for All the Fish

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    Hmm. I do wonder how Totodile came into play. But still... Evoli-Marill *is biased* I dunno, I've never really seen her without that avvie, but something just clicks in my mind. Hmm..Mikey. I've always seen th' man as a Snorlax, but that's on account of th'millions on times he's told me he's...
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