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Search results

  1. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    oh shizz Oh god I actually made it arggh. never again
  2. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    26 27 28 29 And crit: @Cryptica: Realistic Houndour? o: looks like it. the head is nice but the ears seem a bit too stiff and small. you captured the jumping pose quite nicely. @Darksong, Day 26: The shading's pretty nice, but the head looks disporportional to the body, a bit large for it...
  3. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    http://meerkat-chips.deviantart.com/art/Day24-Wha-hey-147916056 24 http://meerkat-chips.deviantart.com/art/Day25-Oh-god-the-cold-148116508 25 Strapped on time. Can't upload 26 for some reason. Argh.
  4. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    23: Honing mediorce childbook drawing skills go. Not actually finished
  5. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    I don't know why I'm so ridiculously proud of this, but I am. Ah well, 22
  6. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    21 20 Okay, two things. If I haven't said this before, I'll be out for the 24th and 25th, probably. And the groupic will prolly take until...early January, I guess? Around that time. Second, crit: @Superyoshi; my main beef is Brock's legs, they're way too short compared to the rest of his...
  7. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Day 19: Argh, slow in uploading Dx I have scanner problems, so yeah. I really liked how the original came out, too...
  8. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Day 16: Hi Zora, Hi Ice. Why do I have the urge to draw Obsessive Scribblers all of a sudden in school even though i fail without a ref what. Next up is human!Spaekle and Robed!Linooney. what taboo have i broken Day 17: Apperently this one
  9. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Day14: what the fuck is that a blue ardvark...? Day 15: I'd sooner buy/defying gravity/kiss me goodbye/defying gravity~ Aaaand currently inking in this school doodle I did of Ice and Zora. I didn't have a ref, so uhhh I apologize in advance if stuff looks off model :c
  10. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    http://meerkat-chips.deviantart.com/art/Day13-Knowwy-146702335 Day 13. Working on 14.
  11. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Okay, so decent concepts, gotta get better at linearts and more even coloring. Got it. As for the Gliscor ears, I was trying to go for one tilted to the side, but looking at it closer...yeah, does look like it's slipping off. I'll try and make it look more natural. Any tips? @Cryptica, Day 8...
  12. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Day 12: Nakama, A gliscor on my Plat. Team. I am doing better then I thought I would o: Shading, though...that still kills me ugghh.
  13. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    day 11: Dwagie's Alya.
  14. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    http://meerkat-chips.deviantart.com/art/Day10-I-m-the-masterhand-146468129 Day !0. Argh, sick. I slept until eight today so expect either slowed down work or...not much at all Dx Sorry for all the escusing, guys, really trying here.
  15. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    @VPLJ: This is gonna cover Days 3-5 because hurr I suck. DAY 3:The shading on Cassio's(I think...? Is that who Angry!LittleIago's referring to?) is really, really cool o: Although slightly less realistic than Iago's, since I'm not completely sure if hair gives off white light like that (pfft I...
  16. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

  17. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    fffffffff just want to say. that I critted Ice's piece and will get along. To everyone else for at least one so ;A; And my scanner does not want to scannnn. I really liked the piece too, I treid shading ; ; SO until that works, there won't really be a Day 8 up.... It still counts if you did...
  18. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Uhhh just fill in holiday music here. Yeah, really. This early. I had nothing else ; ;
  19. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    WHAT THE SHIT HOWSE *sniff* The rainbow is so beautiful :'D
  20. Thanks for All the Fish

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Hooo. Funky stuff happened with the paint tool on Paint.NET. Sooo I'm just starting now! Great. It'll be up either today or tommorow. Sorry.
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