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Search results

  1. The Omskivar

    Byrus vs ole_schooler

    I barely trust the math myself, but it makes enough sense to me I suppose. It was a pretty awesome match.
  2. The Omskivar

    Byrus vs ole_schooler

    After reading this over again I realized I read "Flamethrower" as "Fire Blast" while reffing;it wouldn't make a difference, to be honest, since the last Brick Break had about 8% damage runoff and there would be 4% Burn damage after. So not fixing >:( Team Byrus Houndoom Yami – female @...
  3. The Omskivar

    Byrus vs ole_schooler

    I always forget to edit the statuses in the end notes. Getting that.
  4. The Omskivar

    Byrus vs ole_schooler

    Team Byrus Houndoom Yami – female @ Electrizer Chills: 1/3 <Flash Fire> Health: 84% Energy: 64% Status: Comfortable as she can be on a conctrete floor. (-1 Special Attack; Perish Song will claim in two rounds) MimeJr Gamzee – male @ Twistedspoon Chills: 0/3 <Filter> Health: 78% Energy: 64%...
  5. The Omskivar

    Byrus vs ole_schooler

    Team Byrus Houndoom Yami – female @ Electrizer Chills: 0/3 <Flash Fire> Health: 97% Energy: 66% Status: Passive as ever. (-1 Special Attack; Perish Song will claim in three rounds) MimeJr Gamzee – male @ Twistedspoon Chills: 0/3 <Filter> Health: 79% Energy: 79% Status: Bothered by the creepy...
  6. The Omskivar

    Byrus vs ole_schooler

    Well two counts of derp for me. I put in the Chill counter but it isn't in the last post-reffing notes. Silly me. Reffing soon I hope
  7. The Omskivar

    Byrus vs ole_schooler

    Didn't see the Chill; fixing. Actually Hypnosis by the new scale would cost 2% energy; I increased this against Absol due to Pressure, but I'll leave the extra 1% in there as compensation for getting your ass kicked thus far. Unless of course Byrus disagrees. Finally, all battlers are...
  8. The Omskivar

    Byrus vs ole_schooler

    Team Byrus Houndoom Yami – female @ Electrizer <Flash Fire> Chills: 0/3 Health: 95% Energy: 86% Status: Arrogant, but not without reason. MimeJr Gamzee – male @ Twistedspoon <Filter> Chills: 0/3 Health: 85% Energy: 90% Status: Toddling like a toddler. Team ole_schooler Herdier Ace – female...
  9. The Omskivar

    Byrus vs ole_schooler

    ...Shiiiiiiit. I'll fix it in a bit, after I finish writing a round for another battle. It's confusing when they both start with A, Ace and Absol. EDIT: I fixed it. Let me know if you see anything else wrong
  10. The Omskivar

    Byrus vs ole_schooler

    Ding went the elevator as the Omskivar reached the basement where Byrus and ole_schooler were playing a guessing game about what was in the boxes. Zhorken had apparently rushed to the bathroom and never returned, and there wasn't much else to do to pass the time; Byrus pondered for a moment...
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